
Recommend me a whiskey glass


pfm Member
I would like to buy a present for a friend and various people have suggested a whiskey glass and or whiskey.

I think I favour the former as I doubt I can get a bottle that will thrill him on my budget. Can anyone suggest a decent glass ( or a pair) that avoids being tacky, and can it be done for <£50?
The fashion is for plainer glasses these days

Oh ok. I saw this one in David Mellor last week…


Weighs plenty thanks to the thick base. Didn’t buy any as they wouldn’t get used much, but still tempted to get some.
For less than £50 you could buy an excellent single malt. If it were me I'd prefer that to a glass!

Look on the Whisky thread and ask for advice - you should get a quick and expert response. Include anything you know about your friend and his drinks preferences.

If you include supermarket special offers you'd find some nice malts at £35 down to £25.
For less than £50 you could buy an excellent single malt. If it were me I'd prefer that to a glass!

Look on the Whisky thread and ask for advice - you should get a quick and expert response. Include anything you know about your friend and his drinks preferences.

If you include supermarket special offers you'd find some nice malts at £35 down to £25.

I don't know what he has or what he likes but I'm sure he's got plenty. Nevertheless I might look into that. Thanks.
I'd agree with the Glencairn glass (or that style) rather than a tumbler -
And then add a decent whisky at £40 or so would see a huge choice - do you know what type he likes?
MoM do a number of gift sets (bottle + glass) but then you usually get a branded glass, which I've always thought a little tacky.

Or do you actually mean whiskey? Although I'm not sure there would be much difference for a glass with the Irish varieties? Just a pint glass maybe ;)
I'd agree with the Glencairn glass (or that style) rather than a tumbler -
And then add a decent whisky at £40 or so would see a huge choice - do you know what type he likes?
MoM do a number of gift sets (bottle + glass) but then you usually get a branded glass, which I've always thought a little tacky.
Good suggestion. Re branded glasses being tacky, I'll make an exception for it coming with a bottle of that product. That's entirely acceptable. A friend bought me a bottle of JD Gentleman Jack with a branded jigger for measur ing. Great, thanks. The whiskey isn't my favourite but it made a nice Old Fashioned and the jigger is still around, still branded, and makes me remember that present every time I use it, so win-win. That's a better present than a bottle alone.
Well, he said whiskey, which isn't scotch, so presumably Irish or bourbon or suchlike. Doubt the appropriate receptacle differs, though.

I wondered why there were suggestions for whisky.
Oops, well spotted, I said whiskey but meant whisky.

I'm pretty ignorant on the subject but that was just a spelling error!
Another vote for the classic Glencairn glass. I moved to them 15 odd years ago and have a few now but they are cheap and the best.

