
Rebuild of classic Krell KSA50 fan heater

wonder what the power consumption of one of the big krells is compared to a good sized space heater? maybe just the thing for winter?
I reckon my ksa200 put out a good 600-800 watts just doing nowt, and the same amount doing everything...
I reckon my ksa200 put out a good 600-800 watts just doing nowt, and the same amount doing everything...

That thing was a fecking beast! I had doubts whether I would be able to get it on to my bench and had a mate over the road lined up to give a hand if it was either too heavy or heatsinks removing too much flesh! I managed... just!
I took a few pics of it with a packet of fags on top for scale... imagine a lego brick on top of a normal size amplifier...
one of the most curious and most impressionable hifi demos i ever saw was a KSA 200 driving the little ProAcs ... amazing understatement ... or hifi irony?

