
Q Acoustics Speakers?

I've got some 3020's but for a little more money the Dali Zensor 1 is much better.

Thanks for posting this Chris.

I’d decided on 3020s for my daughter due to the various favourable reviews. Today I was in Richer sounds with a friend (for other reasons; he’s after a TV) and had a listen to these two speakers.

The 3020s were horribly boxy sounding, really quite dreadful to be honest. The Zensors were a huge improvement and though £189 compared to £119 a much, much, better buy.
How does it differ from the previous 3050?

It's mainly the cabinet construction that was improved, a new crossover and the new terminal added. The 3050i made the biggest jump up....something like a poor man's Concept 500.

Sorry, I cannot explain the HPE,,,,,even so, I stopped designing Q-Acoustic, it would be not fair.

Best KH
Thanks for posting this Chris.

I’d decided on 3020s for my daughter due to the various favourable reviews. Today I was in Richer sounds with a friend (for other reasons; he’s after a TV) and had a listen to these two speakers.

The 3020s were horribly boxy sounding, really quite dreadful to be honest. The Zensors were a huge improvement and though £189 compared to £119 a much, much, better buy.

....That goes against my experience, and every review out there. Perhaps because Richer have all the speakers crammed together tightly on a shelf, with no room to breathe. Anyway, glad you’re happy with the Zensors
....That goes against my experience, and every review out there. Perhaps because Richer have all the speakers crammed together tightly on a shelf, with no room to breathe. Anyway, glad you’re happy with the Zensors

Both were demoed in the same position, placed on a shelf, about four feet apart. I crouched to get my head level with the speakers. I listened to a handful of pop tracks. I’m not paid for my reviews, nor do I have an eye on advertising revenue. Glad you’re happy with the 3020s.
Bought a pair of 3020s from Richer at just over a ton as a cheap and neat way to test used/serviced kit. Most pleasantly surprised.
Decent speakers start at about £30k now, by the way Whale - and you won’t find ‘em in Richer

This isn’t a question of price snobbery, merely one of getting best VFM. That’s my take, anyway.

I posted my opinion in order to help others in the same situation as I had found myself in - looking for decent budget speakers.

I people prefer the 3020s on hearing them against other options they should buy them.

I am wondering if the 3020s I heard were broken - they really were terribly boxy sounding.
The concept 20's and the very similar myryad speakers are fabulous little standmounts. Can't speak for any others.
I think the 10 version is better than the 20 , having had both , in my system the 20 had more bass but sounded " slower " in comparison and a little less transparent , the 20 also needs more power to make it sing .
Had another chance to hear Qs today - but the smaller 3010. On proper stands this time, in a reasonably set up room. That boxy bass was still very apparent, though not as unlistenably so as the 3020s in Richer. This was in Sevenoaks in Caversham, and their alternative similarly priced* option was the Monitor Audio Broze 1, which I also listened to. The MA sounded rather better, with bass that was much better defined, and didn’t sit all over the mid-range in that boxy way of the Qs.

So, I think my original assessment was too harsh, by a margin, but still think there’s rather better to be had for similar money, and both the Dali Zensor 1 and the Monitor Audio Bronze 1 would get my vote.

*£229 - so much closer to undiscounted 3020s.
Isn't it interesting how we all hear things differently? Boxy isn't a characteristic I would associate with the 3010, but then again when I listen to small, ported standmount speakers my brain tends to subconsciously gloss over the quality of the bass since I know it will never be able to compete with larger sealed designs. For the money (£119) I find the 3010s to be impressively open and detailed in the mids and treble without sounding artificially skewed, though 1 or 2 more dBs output between 2kHz and 4kHz could help to give vocals/piano/acoustic guitar a tad more weight/presence.

Had another chance to hear Qs today - but the smaller 3010. On proper stands this time, in a reasonably set up room. That boxy bass was still very apparent, though not as unlistenably so as the 3020s in Richer. This was in Sevenoaks in Caversham, and their alternative similarly priced* option was the Monitor Audio Broze 1, which I also listened to. The MA sounded rather better, with bass that was much better defined, and didn’t sit all over the mid-range in that boxy way of the Qs.

So, I think my original assessment was too harsh, by a margin, but still think there’s rather better to be had for similar money, and both the Dali Zensor 1 and the Monitor Audio Bronze 1 would get my vote.

*£229 - so much closer to undiscounted 3020s.

I remember a demo of a range of speakers in Richer Sounds when I bought the wonderful Monitor Audio A100 amplifier for a daft price. The package price with a pair of speakers made the A100 essentially free so i gave them all a try. I remember that it was on proper stands and i also remember rejecting 2 Concept models very early from a field of 6.

The two finalists were the Dali Zensor 1 and 3. The "3" won, the Monitor Audio Bronze 1 was third. On reflection none of them great and i prefer my 30 year old KEF C10s. That in turn suggests that budget speakers have regressed.

The KEFs are still here, the Dalis were sold.
That Ercol 60's look must be returning.

Check the matching chair and side table.
I heard a pair of 3020's at Scalford a few years ago with (I think) Cyrus gear. I didn't know about the brand then and was impressed by the size of the soundstage, clarity and power for speakers of that size. I was amazed when I researched them and found the price. Imho great value.

Gromit's room. Amazing sound.

