
Progression from Elicit R for difficult speakers.

Cheers gx502, and for the record I didn't think you were either terse or unhelpful. Every comment made has been valuable. I love both bits of equipment, but the speakers are my priority. I'll keep looking for bargains and see if I can find away to inform myself properly. If I get some conclusive results I'll update the thread for anyone else to search out. I understand a high damping factor is something I should be interested in!

FWIW my opinion is that you are absolutely correct but I'll only know for sure when I get to hear it myself I suppose. What amp(s) have you heard them paired with? It is possible the Rega really is doing them justice, the system really is good, it's just very expensive to me to practically test the next logical steps out, especially if I get it wrong - hence the call for suggestions! :)
I had Dynaudio Contour 1.1's with a Nap250 and loved them. The sales manager for Dynaudio used to run Naim amps.

With your system, you don't need a preamp if you are using SBT/MDAC only.

Therefore, my advice if you want to keep the Contours is to buy a power amp. Where do you live? I'm happy to demonstrate my spare which is a Avondale/Nap250 clone. I'm near Horsham. Otherwise maybe Dynavector which is potentially the next step up and will give you a variety of speaker choices. Also look at the heftier Meridian power amps and maybe Exposure.

I'd definately say borrow one if you can, then second hand also won't loose you money and will give you far more bang for buck.



I would disagree with the advice that you don't need a preamp with the MDAC. In theory you don't but in practice you will enjoy the benefits of what a decent pre will do for things like soundstage, imaging, dynamics, drive etc.
Thanks Steven, and yeah I agree. For whatever reasons bypassing the pre-amp equates to a loss in resolution. The amp really is wonderful, it makes even sub £100 speakers sound amazing but then switching back to the dyns there are kick drums and bass notes being played that simply aren't there on other speakers. It's quite astonishing to me, but amongst the community here I obviously very late to the party.
Fair enough Steven, my experience only comes from using Weiss dacs which in my opinion worked better in my system with the preamp removed.
I think it's probably case by case. Balanced inputs might have made all the difference so I'm not sure there's a hard and fast rule, but what do I know? :)
Don't worry - I'm in the same boat - it's always a suck it and see thing anyway!

I think I'd suggest you stick with the ElicitR, then look for a used Osaris when you have the funds or if they come down in price a little more.
love my Elicit R driving my RS3's - yeah I could do with upgrading my speakers, but the really don't want to go to a standpoint
I popped into Seven Oaks hifi yesterday and although it's not an objective comparison, listening to their high end system built from Cyrus X 300 monoblocks and a pair of Spendor D7's I ended up feeling a whole lot better about my system. I don't know what the weak link was in their setup for me, perhaps the amplification - it seemed a bit lean.

Does anyone have any opinions on what happens if you pair the Elicit with another power amp? Do I keep the Rega house sound thanks to the pre-amp or would it sound totally different?
Ive listened to the 1.4s at length, IMHO they are not the best in terms of clarity and neutrality. Try some Proac D2's they work better with Rega. I had an early clamshell Elicit with Responce 1SC's, seemed like a perfect match at the time.
I love the 1SCs, and I was really tempted to do just as you say until I pulled the trigger on this amp and heard them together. Would be interested to know what amp you've heard the 1.4s with because genuinely I think they are very misunderstood speakers. I've read a lot about the flabby bass or dark sounding character which is, I think, just the results of listening to an amp that can't give them the welly they need. I have to admit I'd be very worried about letting them go without having heard something to move into myself unless it were the confidence range. The ProAc 1SCs are truely lovely but, not as good as these to me. Perhaps the D2s can give them a run for their money though, they look like they probably have a fuller sound.

Cheers for your input, I'm very grateful for all the opinions and experiences shared. I'm getting loads of options, but I think my journey is amp next and speakers after. Unless I hear something that really surprises me. I have to admit the Zu Audio Omen suggestion really peaked my interest and certainly threw a spanner in the works!
As previously requested.

I have heard S1.4 with MF integrated A308 (it was -meh), Bryston BP26/4BSST (very good, but a bit matter of fact), and Karan KAI 180 Mk2 (sublime).

Experiences led me to believe, that the S1.4 and the S1.3Se only give their best with muscular amps.
Thanks. So far in my list of 'things I want' (pertaining to this conversation in the interest of keeping it brief) I have:

Plinius 9200
Karan KAI 180
Balanced Audio Tech VK-3000SE
Moon Evo integrated
Rega Osiris

And a bunch of others I can actually afford. Usual suspects I imagine. Looks like this might take a bit longer than I realised. Would be nice to know what happens when you mix and match pre and power, I would love to know if there's a general rule/expectation to follow as a temptation is to add a power amp to the Elicit-R (could be wasteful).
Would love to hear suggestions for a stereo amp that has a remote and would drive these speakers without colouring things or putting me in debt. I'd say I'd be willing to spend 1 to 2k, but I just don't know where to start.

Sorry no suggestions, but I think it is dangerous** to assume that because the Rega was x% better than the other amps that something else will be x% (or even x%/2) better still.

** Ok not exactly dangerous, but not good for your sanity or your bank balance. :)
I think you're absolutely right and expecting the same kind of leap would be bonkers, but I do think there is a bit more to squeeze our of these speakers, and I'm hopeful that once I have the amp I want it will allow me to drive the next set of speakers I come across.

As it happens, window shopping (and getting close to pulling the trigger) has motivated me to do a lot of reading and with what I have learnt already first hand, its really helped me filter out a lot of nonsense - plenty of which I'd lapped up. Trouble is, it seems like those that know better, generally aren't that interested in sharing their knowledge outside of a few forums as they get told things like "no difference between amps" and "200w @ 8ohms / 350w @ 4 ohms is plenty for your speakers" etc. So I'm really thankful to have leveled about up a bit of savvy, but realise I'm very much a newbie so probably still full of incorrect assumptions.

PS. The bank balance, sanity and wife all say thanks :)
I would disagree with the advice that you don't need a preamp with the MDAC. In theory you don't but in practice you will enjoy the benefits of what a decent pre will do for things like soundstage, imaging, dynamics, drive etc.

Fair enough Steven, my experience only comes from using Weiss dacs which in my opinion worked better in my system with the preamp removed.

Stating the somewhat obvious: active vs. passive preamps isn't something that can be answered in a simple soundbite as the results depend entirely on the output impedance of the source component and the input gain and impedance of the power amp. All one can do is to assess it in the specific system.

