
Pro-ject releases their 60,000th turntable model this year

Metallica & Beatles best in this Series


At least they finally got the glass up to Rega P2 thickness this time round. They were barely thicker than the belts were wide before.
That’s the kind of no-compromise engineering that makes the audiophile industry the envy of the world. ;)
Based on an album that sounds like it's running at 17RPM

Kill it with fire
Classic album, classic format, classic rock, classic jazz, Kind of Blue, another special edition all analog super high quality half speed mastering, classic mid century modern, the Eames chair - classic. Rinse and repeat, audiophilia in 2023.
Hideous they maybe, but at least they're a bit of fun. Compare and contrast to some of the so called high end over engineered bling £50K plus nonsense turntables you see at Munich High End and the likes.... a properly engineered turntable like a Rega, a Technics or a Michell is all anyone every needs really... everything else is just bling or in need of constant re-engineering to get over the initial design flaws.
I like it as well it's good to see some fun and something different on the market
It probably sounds ok but I imagine people buying it aren't audio forum types they just enjoy music and love the look of it and it's sound.
I think it speaks volumes about audio snobbery people sneering at it .
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I do wonder how many of these special edition models they sell. I guess they must do ok out of them or else they wouldn’t keep coming up with new versions?
I’d guess these things aren’t bought for use as a primary turntable unless it’s for a youngster starting out in hifi who happens to be a fan of the whacky looks & whichever band it’s an homage to. Unlikely in the case of DSOTM I’d have thought.
Probably bought by collectors of memorabilia or for use as a “fun” novelty 2nd or 3rd system?
Not my cuppa tea but setting my snob values aside, I guess they’re a bit of harmless fun for some people.

