
Pro-Ac Tab 10 vs Spendor S3/5r Vs Celef LS8

matt j

pfm Member
Long post waffle warning!

I've had an interesting few days comparing all three of these small, sealed box designs.

I should probably preface this with saying I've never heard a proper LS3/5a, I'm not old enough to have been around when they were new and fairly cheap (and in spec!) and I'm not particularly interested in paying silly money for a pair that probably don't sound correct anyway.

I listen reasonably near field at approx 7ft from baffle front and I position them about 8ft apart for my taste, toed in just slightly less than directly aimed at the listening position and free standing on Target R4s with plenty of space around them. Music tastes vary wildly, I listen to a lot of electronic music but I'm not a bass nor SPL freak, what bass I get from these three in my room is adequate to listen to all my music without the sense of missing out, I don't know how that works (room?) but it's how it is and I don't feel the need for a sub or big speakers, I also listen to a lot of the usual suspects and a lot of new music, mainly vinyl but also plenty via Tidal.

The Tablette 10s are what I'm most familiar with, they have been my own pair of main speakers for almost the last 3 years, bought new by me (in the rather fetching premium ebony finish) after a dealer demo they're the first brand new item of Hi-Fi I've ever bought, which probably gives an impression of how impressed I was.

The Spendors are about 8 years old but were bought by me as an unopened pair, so essentially brand new, they were still sealed in their plastic bags.

The LS8s again are brand new, made for me after contacting Pro-Ac/Celef to see if they had any left, I have pair No. 0009, these use the mid bass driver from the 1sc and a special scan speak tweeter which I gather is rather expensive.

Build wise the LS8s feel the most dense which checks out on the scales, the Spendors are the lightest at 4.4kg, the Tab 10s a touch over 4.8kg and the LS8s 5.5kg. Dimensions point of view the Tab 10s and LS8s are almost identical for the sake of a few mm difference in depth, where as the S3/5rs are noticeably different, a fair chunk narrower and deeper than both the others.

From a sound perspective all three excel at what they're supposed to do, the Spendors are a nice listen, easy going and they seem easier to drive or give the effect of being fuller at lower volumes. I listen a lot late at night at low SPLs and I suspect the Spendor is the best of the three in this respect, I will try it tonight. What is apparent is a mid bass hump/warmth that whilst is nice on some music it can interfere with others, anything with a kick drum seems to show it up the most and becomes quite the drawback for me, I'd say this hump also gives the perceived initial impression of it having the best bass of the three which I wouldn't agree with but they are warmer than both the others (is this the LS3/5a hump?) and using the LP12 it can get a bit much, less so with digital but it's still obvious.

The LS8 are very interesting, I suspect the tweeter is what is most noticeable comparing with the other two. They give the biggest sense of air and detail whilst offering the best vocal performance and imaging of all three. Bass wise they sit between the other two, if you listen to them straight after the Spendors you'd be inclined to think they're a bit anemic but it is that Spendor hump that gives a false impression, Stewart Tyler said the LS8 was designed to offer an LS3/5a performance minus it's colouration, which is I suspect what I'm hearing. They sound stunning with both digital and analogue, the foibles of the LP12 seem less apparent when using the LS8s. I would say though with the volume raised a little above where I would consider normal for me they can be a touch on the hot side, only very slightly, but if you're inclined to turn the wick up then you'd probably notice it, the Tab 10s are similar but it's less obvious with them.

Tab 10 sits firmly in the middle for me, I'd say they offer a bit of the Spendor mid bass warmth and a touch less of the LS8's air/imaging. I reckon they're a more balanced all round speaker than either of the others without any huge compromises. It's hard for me to describe more of their sound because I've been listening to them every day for 3 years so nothing jumps out at me when I put them back in to rotation.

One thing that is quite noticeable about both of the Pro-Ac/Celefs is that they require a certain volume level before things click into place, which has always been the only slight drawback to me with the Tab 10, late at night they can lose a lot of their magic and the LS8 is similar, although the extra air can make up for it.

I can only describe it like focussing a camera lens, there's a certain level where everything is just perfect but a bit either way and both of them can suffer, I often find my self adjusting volume between recordings for the same reason, some sound a bit too hot and others require a bit more juice where as the Spendors I can set and forget. Spec wise the LS8s are 10-15ohm, Tab 10 are 10ohm and the S3/5r 8ohm, all three around 84db I think.

A final verdict is very hard to come to, I want to keep them all! From a VFM point of view then the Spendors win hands down, but only because you can't buy a new pair any more so at around £450-500 they offer stunning value, if you can live with that mid bass hump/colouration or whatever is going on.

They're all really stunning at what they do, I'd rank the Spendors 3rd place but I'm not sure I could sell them, so it comes down to the Tab 10 and LS8, it has been really difficult but I came to a final conclusion by asking myself which of the three do I miss the most when I remove them and put one of the others back in, and on that basis I would have to say the LS8 is my preference. The only test I have left to do is a more in depth late night/low level test but I suspect the Spendor may rinse the other two at that one. I may need a second system at this rate!

I'd like to hear some P3ESRs and maybe a pair of D1s to compare but they're probably out of my price range unless I can snag a used pair at a decent price.

What a great opportunity to hear all three back to back. Thanks mat. An interesting read.
Interesting Matt. I have a pair of LS8s here as well and was wondering how they compared to both the Spendors and Proacs!
Good 'review' three lovely pairs of speakers too.

"One thing that is quite noticeable about both of the Pro-Ac/Celefs is that they require a certain volume level before things click into place, which has always been the only slight drawback to me with the Tab 10, late at night they can lose a lot of their magic and the LS8 is similar, although the extra air can make up for it.

I can only describe it like focussing a camera lens, there's a certain level where everything is just perfect but a bit either way and both of them can suffer, I often find my self adjusting volume between recordings for the same reason, some sound a bit too hot and others require a bit more juice where as the Spendors I can set and forget. Spec wise the LS8s are 10-15ohm, Tab 10 are 10ohm and the S3/5r 8ohm, all three around 84db I think."

I've always found this with every speaker /amp combo I've ever used, I call it the sweet spot, where the amp and speaker seem to be working at there best together.
I've always found this with every speaker /amp combo I've ever used, I call it the sweet spot, where the amp and speaker seem to be working at there best together.

Me too, but I feel it's a bit more pronounced with these two than I've previously experienced, the Spendors seem less affected by it.
Great review, and three speakers that would certainly be on my radar in their size class. Regarding the bass-lift of the Spendors vs. the others how much of this is this position dependent? As an example from the small boxes I know well, e.g. Kans, JR149s and LS3/5As all want to be different distances from the wall IME (Kans hard against, 149s 8-10” away, LS3/5As a good foot or two). Looking at the picture the two Tyler designs might like to be a bit closer to get a bit more reinforcement.
Yes I need to play with positioning I think, but I do really like them in free standing space Tony, apart from anything moving them back towards the wall would create a bit of hassle with listening position.

The Spendors have a good 3ft from side walls and about 2.5ft to the back wall, are you thinking they need more or less space?
Really useful information for me. Thanks. I was really interested in the Tab 10s, but need to keep my music low to keep the peace with neighbours.

Off topic... Anyone know good speakers for low/medium levels?
The Spendors have a good 3ft from side walls and about 2.5ft to the back wall, are you thinking they need more or less space?

If the Spendors are voiced similarly to LS3/5As they’ll likely sound quite happy there, though I’d expect the other two to be far happier a foot or less from the wall behind them. Away from corners is always good though. Certainly JR149s would sound horribly thin and bass-light 2.5’ from a wall, really not good at all. I’ve never heard any of the non-ported Tyler designs so I’m only guessing here, but it is certainly worth trying even though I am obviously aware of the hassle of lumping R4s around (I have them under my 149s!). Give it a go. FWIW I have my 149s about 8” from the wall and listen pretty much in the middle of the smallish room.
Off topic... Anyone know good speakers for low/medium levels?

My guess is with a bit more wall proximity any of these would be great. You need a fair bit of warmth for low-level listening hence the old ‘loudness’ buttons on ‘70s kit. I certainly love the JR149s, which are likely quite similar to any of these, in this near-field low level context, though I am driving them with a big and spacious sounding valve amp which may help in this respect. By saying that I love my giant Tannoys in the same context. I just don’t like listening loud so set all my systems up so they sound great at low level, which can mean the balance is too warm and weighty to really crank, but as I never want to it is no issue!
Ahh, what do you think to them and how do you have them positioned?

In the room they are in I have one positioning option...


They've replaced the Dynaudio Xeos there, and the deck is now a 1210GR, with an Onix OA21 inside the cabinet, using the inbuilt MM stage. Nice minimal system. It took some adjusting to the LS8s and I still don't think I'm fully adjusted to the tight bottom end. The midrange clarity is fantastic though. Bach's 6 suites sounds amazing, but Mogwai I find myself just turning down. Bit unfair possibly to expect them to handle that.

This thread has actually prompted me to quickly nip them upstairs into the office system (rasp pi/ian canada stuff into NCC220 power amp). Here they're sat on 1m high stands about 30cm from the back wall. About 1.5m apart and I sit about the same distance away. Again, the bass is tight and the mid range very illuminated. They certainly show up exactly what you feed into them. One thing they have done actually is show me a resonance I thought was my other speakers (Troels Gravesen OW1/W15) is actually the stands - must look at filling them with more sand possibly.
The Ex:Re album is pretty much my reference for testing with actually as it's beautifully recorded and not compressed to hell. Sounding very nice indeed, whereas The National's I am easy to find was sounding a bit strident just now.
Firstly, no apology necessary for the ‘waffle warning.’

As an aficionado of small speakers I found your findings very interesting.
I have owned the Spendors and my thoughts are much the same as yours.
Late in the evening at low volume they were ( almost ) addictive.

I haven’t heard the LS8s but was very tempted to buy a pair, mainly on Stewart Tyler’s reputation.
The Tablette 10 I have never heard.

Unlike you, I’ve had experience of the LS3/5a as I owned Harbeths and Falcons in the past.
Not to mention the ones I have built ( including a Falcon kit ) and various clones I’ve made for people.

You mention the Harbeth P3-ESRs and they are the speakers I’ve found most satisfying overall.
Not everyone’s ‘Cup of Tea’, but it’s the small speaker for me....
Interesting results from the brief tests of moving them back towards the rear wall. I don't think my room is the best for this, a modern dot 'n dab plasterboard room with mostly bare walls. The Spendors are quite overbearing like this, I have them with their closest rear corner of cab about 9-9.5" off the wall and the bass is now way too thick and encroaching into other aspects of the spectrum when above anything other than modest volume levels.

Likewise the LS8s in this position sound a bit too congested, although they benefit from the increased warmth in the lower registers. I'm going to try bringing them out a bit at a time and see if there is a sweet spot to be found, although I did a lot of this when I initially bought the Tab 10s a couple of years back and ended up with them out into the room. I'm not sure there is a sweet spot for the Spendors as I obviously started them out well into the room and still found them a bit much on certain music.

My room must be terrible for me to be struggling with tiny speakers like these, it was even worse when I first moved here and tried firing across the the room rather than down it, I had Rega Kytes then and it sounded like there was half a dozen subs booming away in the next room, utterly horrible.

More testing to do, thankfully I can live with all three until I've made a decision, I'm thinking I might like to keep the Spendors though and one of the other two will have to go.
I've owned many .... MANY... 'LS3/5a' type speakers including Spendors S3/5's, Stirling Broadcast, Harbeth, etc. Am currently using Tablette 10's because I need a speaker that works well close to a wall. Have had them maybe three years.. they are definitely keepers.

I would love to hear the Celef's!
I've owned many .... MANY... 'LS3/5a' type speakers including Spendors S3/5's, Stirling Broadcast, Harbeth, etc. Am currently using Tablette 10's because I need a speaker that works well close to a wall. Have had them maybe three years.. they are definitely keepers.

I would love to hear the Celefs!

So would I...
I own the Tab 10's and the Harbeth P3ESR 40th Anniversary and love them both. They are both good in my small room for low level listening. Perhaps it's my amp or source but I am getting great results with both. They are very different but both are excellent. I auditioned the Spendor S3/5R2 and loved them as well. If I can find a gently used pair in cherry for a reasonable price I will add them to the stable.

