
President Trump

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I wish I had. I was right about Brexit, Johnson, Gove, Leadsom and May too.

I hope I'm not right about the rise of the authoritarian right.

Hillary is making her concession speech within the next half hour.

P.S. I'm now officially dropping the crooked moniker. No need for it now.

Why? Is it somehow not true any more? Can you only defame people before votes?
I thought Trump was going to pursue her now he's CIC?

Hmm, I don't know what he'll do about her. Perhaps he'll ask his people to decide ;)

What about global warming and the probable collapse of the Paris deal?
What about the Iran nuclear deal?
What about the repeal of Obamacare and the loss of healthcare for millions of Americans?
What about further weakening of minority voting rights?
What about the likely loss of support for women's reproductive rights and a possible repeal of Roe vs Wade?
What about a massive tax cut for the richest 1% paid for by the schmucks who just voted for Trump?

Well, Max?
What about global warming and the probable collapse of the Paris deal?
What about the Iran nuclear deal?
What about the repeal of Obamacare and the loss of healthcare for millions of Americans?
What about further weakening of minority voting rights?
What about the likely loss of support for women's reproductive rights and a possible repeal of Roe vs Wade?
What about a massive tax cut for the richest 1% paid for by the schmucks who just voted for Trump?

Well, Max?
I don't know Matthew, all I know is he's not interested in turning Earth into glass, as Hillary and her 'advisors' might have done.

Here's his final campaign ad. It's like something I'd have come up with were I in his position :cool:

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He may be President but I doubt very much those who hold the real power will let him do anything really stupid. There are enough Democrats and anti Trump Republicans to block him at every turn.

Yes. Those wise and responsible persons who 'hold the real power' pulled all the necessary strings to assure a successful George W administration, after all.

I predict that come January, there won't be enough 'anti-Trump Republicans' to fill a couch.
You can avoid the issue all you like Max the fact remains that. The very people who he claims he wants to "clean out of politics in Washington" are the self same people who pay the Republican party's bills. Trump better watch his back, the knife won't be from some disaffected liberal, it will be from his own side should he insist of following through on any number of his stated objectives. Thing is, they are the very objectives he was voted in on.
Fcuk you American morons. You get the government you deserve and you deserve this cnut.

Shame on you ...

Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him, and I haven't done anything to deserve this. So right back at you...
Aside from playing golf and talking shit, what does anyone think President Trump will really do?

He'll be like George W. Bush, but without the war.

Which sounds like a wheeze to me.
I'm not a single-issue voter -- not that I can vote in the US election, anyway -- but if Trump rejects the Paris Agreement, and I think he will, we're flirting with environmental disaster.

On this issue the clock is very much ticking and with each passing year that we put off doing anything meaningful to reduce CO2 emissions makes climate change mitigation and adaptation that much more difficult. The time to change the Titanic's course is not just as the iceberg crashes against the hull.

Trump will have neither the application, intelligence or consistency to make even a half-arsed stab at the presidency. Its the thought of the advisors he gets in to run the show for him that worry me.
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