
Post-Trump: III (decline, further tantrums, legal proceedings, book deals etc)

BTC uncharacteristically animated discussing MAGA puppy murderer Kristi Noem. Right-wing ghouls just love killing stuff. All the “big game hunter” shit like Trump Jr are even worse. Totally psychopathic behaviour.
An interesting piece in the NYT that purports to show that Donald Trump is not a new phenomenon but the latest embodiment of an undercurrent in US life that has always been there:

Yes, it’s the subject of Rachel Maddow’s latest book, Preque, An American Fight Against Fascism.
A Slate series on Originalism and the supreme court and how it's ruining everything.

RFK explained:

This makes two men in the Presidential race with obvious disqualifying mental health issues. And the same man is the largest donor to both their superpacs! No one would write a political thriller with a plot like this, it would be too silly.

