
Post-Trump: III (decline, further tantrums, legal proceedings, book deals etc)

This will just as likely make Trump more popular

It is already a religious cult. As I mentioned above I’m not confident here. Biden is too old, weak, and has damaged his position further with many on the left by so actively supporting and enabling Israel’s genocide. Never underestimate the irrationality of religion. MAGA is just another Taliban or ISIS. A lot of people seem to want a violent fundamentalist Christian white supremacy. The GOP hasn’t been sane for a very long time now.
Absolutely convinced he will be. The conviction makes no difference. His supporters will double down.
It's not just about his support though is it.
The Democrats want Trump as the opponent - it's the only scenario where they poll to win.
Absolutely convinced he will be. The conviction makes no difference. His supporters will double down.
... and they are in the utter-minority.

The first ever criminal trial of a former President, has seen thiss'un found guilty, on all 34 Felony charges. In under 10hrs of Jury deliberation; where it would only take one juror, to overturn the lot.

Where this starts - the other , far more serious-charges laid cannot not now help follow.
Such as the Documents case - I mean, presumably you think he'll skate that too, and that'll be 'ok' ?

I really do not think you have the temperature in the room, dialled-in; at all.
He's coming to get you...

I ❤️ NY!

The judge may follow the practice of avoiding prison sentences for white collar crime, but I think he will have Trump locked up for a while for contempt....
Where this starts - the other , far more serious-charges laid cannot not now help follow.

The problem is he won’t face anything else until after the election thanks to “Judge” Cannon and the stacked Supreme Court. If he wins he’ll just rip-up the Constitution, shut down the whole legal system and arrest/purge anyone who stands in his way. He is 100% Putin, but with brain damage.
... and they are in the utter-minority.

The first ever trial of a former President, has seen thiss'un found guilty, on all 34 felony charges. In under 10hrs of Jury deliberation; where it would only take one juror, to overturn the lot.

Where this starts - the other , far more serious-charges laid cannot not now help follow.

Not difficult competition for Trump, or indeed anyone else, is it. The US is far more fractured than even we are. Of course, time will tell…
I really can't agree with either versions of pessimism in the two posts above.

(... sorry chaps: early start for long slog tomoz, else I'd engage further. Best - M)

A few excepts from Seth Abramson‘s lengthy thread on Twitter:

139/ It’s important not to expect what just happened in Manhattan to change the rhetoric of any MAGA anywhere one iota—Trump cultists would vote for Trump if he committed mass murder on camera. The question is whether independents or folks who ignore pollsters are getting queasy.

140/ It is worth noting, however, that *if* (and this is unlikely) Judge Merchan sentences Trump to a period of incarceration, it will only derange Trump further in terms of what he is willing to do with respect to stealing the 2024 presidential election, as losing may mean jail.
” Seth Abramson

PS I see ‘Trump 34’ (rather than ‘Trump 45’) is now a meme!
Fantastic news.

I wonder what the odds are now he'll get jail time, I didn't expect all 34 charges to have been called guilty.

50-50? Or even slightly more likely now than not? Please give him 2 months. Pleeeeaaase Judge.

Per count?
No chance of jail time.
That was my first thought, but according to a lawyer on NBC, if sentenced to prison, typically the defendant will have to serve time while any appeal is in progress - they don’t get to remain free while the appeal proceeds.

That coupled with the massive contempt shown for the court and personally for the judge, both through the trial and immediately upon leaving after the verdict, might make the judge feel brave enough to impose jail time that will actually stick.

Whatever happens, with first the U.K. election on the 4th of July, then Trump’s sentencing on the 11th, it’s going to be quite a couple of weeks for keeping an eye on the news!
Per count?

Well that would be effin marvellous!

I think the Judge might be of the mindset, that he really holds the power to decide the next election; if he jails OrangeFace then well that's his POTAS chances fkd surely. But if he doesn't, then the whole election's on a 50-50, & with an innevitable boost to his chances. Surely that is somewhat correct to say. Therefore, unless he holds Republicn sympathies, I'd say the Judge might feel it morally correct for the future of huge situations outside the US.. to jail him for a period, likely short to appease any massive backlash from his white trash support.

I just hope to goodness the Judge jails him, even for a week the damage is done.
The thing I find astonishing disturbing in equal measure is that GOP Senators and Representatives lined up to denounce the U.S judicial system in the same inflammatory language as the convict himself. I’m afraid that way leads to hell.

House Judiciary Chair Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) fired off his statement blasting the court’s decision even as the guilty verdicts were still being read.

“The verdict is a travesty of justice,” said Jordan, a staunch Trump ally. “The Manhattan kangaroo court shows what happens when our justice system is weaponized by partisan prosecutors in front of a biased judge with an unfair process, designed to keep President Trump off the campaign trail and avoid bringing attention to President Biden’s failing radical policies.”

