
Pocket Calculator Thread

This was my partner in crime at school:


Thanks. For many years I thought I've imagined there was a HP 'Business' calculator with built in advanced functions to multiply and divide with/by 12. There was. HP22.


Never mentioned in the history of personal computers: HP85 desktop personal computer of ca 1979. A mate had one at work.
When I left my previous job I realised probably the only constants throughout 19 years were my boss and my calculator. The calculator was worthy but unremarkable, well they both were really.

Cheers BB
In the seventies, my firm gave me one. It was the size of a half brick, All it did was add, subtract, multiply and divide. No memory.

It cost over £100.
Within a few years, petrol stations were giving away multi-function ones, if you bought 5 gallons of petrol..

