
Pics of your pets (part II)

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Good they are back and helping to balance out the number of pictures of long haired smelly dogs

those two are funny cats. We have had sibling moggies (both times they were sisters) before, and they were never friends, these two as you can see love to cuddle up together, they play together and fight. Siamese, compared to other cats, are way more curious and desperate to climb. Marley (the grey) is an expert at running up doors and sitting on the top.
I love pupper smell.

(Just Tee combed about half a bin bag of fluff of of him,he was still heavily casting and He’d not been to a professional groomer since February so... DIY)

Our dog is shedding at the moment as well and my wife has been furminating handfuls off him every day, but the house is still covered in "labrador glitter".

My sister is a dog groomer but, being a lab, Ludo doesn't need groomed although my sister insists on him visiting every few months so she can give him a bath. He does smell lovely after that.
Not strictly my property as it’s farm track but it’s a good place to hunker down while the world falls apart. Too much of this can be a bit boring though. an as for Winter [shudders].

I’m waiting til 8pm for Mischa’s walk. he’s in the bathroom on the cool tiles.
I love pupper smell.

(Just Tee-combed about half a bin bag full of fluff out of him; he is still heavily casting and he’s not been to a professional groomer since February so... DIY)


What's casting, I have not heard that term before?
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