





In each case the first is the RAW image from the camera, some mild sharpening and a little film grain in PS/Nik, the second is the in-cam AI version, straight out of the camera and with no further post-processing.

I find the AI jpegs rather over-sharpened and 'cold'. It is impossible to replicate the degree of sharpening in PS in the RAW image.

Huawei P20.
Don't know. That's why I keep lingering! :)

Seriously tho', I would say a moody tranquility. And a question as to what is over the horizon.

Growing up, I lived on the southern edge of Loughborough, and myself and a couple of friends would spend a lot of time during those years wandering along the edge of such fields, through local copse, along the towpath of the Grand Union Canal. My 'backyard' wasn't so much the town but local countryside; and that oft-times made me feel unshackled, free from what was a very unhappy childhood. It (whatever 'it' actually is) stays with you, and sometimes there is a recognisable affinity in some of the images posted here (and elsewhere) that taps into this sentiment/feeling.

And that's about the best I can explain it.

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