
PFM's Picture a Week 2024

Monument building, London:


An evening wander with the ex- @Tony L X-Pro1 c/w 35mm F1.4

I'm working away from home for a couple of days, so its often good to get out for a couple of hours in the eveing, rather than vegitating in a hotel room (or bar!). All taken with the 35mm F1.4 which in my hands appears to be stuck at F1.4 :)

Do Not Feed The Horses by David Yeoman, on Flickr

Do Not Feed The JCBs by David Yeoman, on Flickr

Swing Bridge by David Yeoman, on Flickr

And finally the view from my hotel (pub bedroom), when you are footing the bill youself (its my own business), swanky hotel rooms are not the order of the day, any room with a decent bed will do! I did leave booking a room until about 4:30 this afternoon so the choices were limited :D

Hotel View by David Yeoman, on Flickr

