
pfm server migration/outage

We did but we didn’t think it was going to bugger anything up.
And no need to be such a condescending .... either.

Edit. Apologies for my rude behaviour.
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Now Now chops play nice. I still can't log in with my iPad though. I think I miss afew things since the view is limited to 100 posts though. Tony's post might have been 101.
Don't worry, I had the same problem.
Cleared old Pinkfish media cookies and all running well for me now - (actually really fast).
Try that first, then search Pink Fish Media to pick up the site again.

All covered in the server upgrade thread. Basically we migrated servers yesterday, the DNS was updated, but we forgot to redirect the www URL to the non-www URL as normal. This has now (as of mid-morning today) been fixed and I am unable to replicate any of the issues anyone is describing now with the browsers I have available (just Safari and Chrome at present). My guess is some folk may need to clear their cookies and re-log in, maybe even reboot their PC (though I haven’t had to).

The ‘too many redirects’ error was only there for maybe five minutes tops whilst troubleshooting, you’d have been unlucky to see it.

PS If anyone is running ad-blockers or other devices that deliberately impede cookie storage then the site likely won’t work properly (the cookies tell the browser that you are logged in, what you have read/is still unread etc, as well as earn me a basic living!).
My shortcut to classifieds no longer works.When I go via the home page, some of the sales threads just take me back to the home page. Is something wrong?
Tony - if i press Audio on the home page it just takes me back to the home page.
All other pages appear ok.
The problem is I don’t have a Windows computer and can’t replicate the issue here on either iOS using Safari or Chrome, or MacOS using Safari or Chrome, or on my Raspberry Pi 4 using Chromium. Everything just works as it should here.

I’m now also now aware of two users who can’t log in for whatever reason, which again I can not explain and I can not replicate here.

There may be an issue with the mail relay (notifications etc), but really that is another issue, and again one I am struggling to replicate or diagnose as to be honest my own email functionality has been a total mess for months (since the first server migration). I moved it to another provider over the weekend so I’m only just getting used to that setup and I can’t be sure what is failing where at this point. If

If there is anyone with proper IT experience with the Windows related issue please could they try fault-finding it I’d be interested in their findings. Until I understand what exactly whatever browser is rejecting or failing to process I can’t really do much more as basically the site is working!

In the meantime:

a) Clear all cookies.

b) Turn off any ad-blocker or anything else that may stop cookies working/saving (or white-list

c) Ensure any old bookmarks point to ‘’, i.e. without ‘www’ at the front. In fact just log in by typing ‘’ in the browser bar for the time being, forget any old bookmarks.

d) Reboot your computer.

I get the impression that is fixing it for many users.

If after doing all that there is still a problem please list your operating system version, your browser version and whether you have any plug-ins or whatever installed. Without knowing exactly what isn’t working there isn’t much hope of diagnosing the issue.
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I've been unable to log in from my chrome shortcut all day. On 3 different devices ( 2 w10 and 1 android). When I search for the site and go in via Google and authenticated afresh, it worked fine. Weird.
no problems here Chrome Win10 on two desktop machines, Android Chrome phone, Win10 Edge laptop.

Stuff is a little slow to load, seems to pause.
I've been unable to log in from my chrome shortcut all day. On 3 different devices ( 2 w10 and 1 android). When I search for the site and go in via Google and authenticated afresh, it worked fine. Weird.

Bin the shortcut. Just clear all cookies and type into the browser bar.

My best guess at this point is there is something about certain Windows that is denying the redirect between www and non-www versions of the URL. Anyway, follow the four steps I stated in the post above and see if that fixes it.

PS I’ll merge this thread in with the server migration one - I stand a far better chance of catching issues if they are all reported in the same place.
For clarity I have a feeling the pfm notification email system is broken. I won’t be able to deal with that until tomorrow, but I am getting an absolute shit-ton of bounces, like hundreds and hundreds.
I can’t even think of a mechanism that would do that, it’s a simple link, no magic to it at all!


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