
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2022

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I love the skyline in that part of London. Constantly evolving

20211030_194004 by uh_simon, on Flickr

2019-12-29_06-54-38 by uh_simon, on Flickr

We do too, that building in your first photo is one heck of a LARGE structure. The whole area around the back of station really has had a transformation.

We think it’s a great area to stay as you can leave cases in the hotel and collect late on, with only a short walk then to catch train home.

Definitely Barcelona. I've several such taken over years and visits, but yours immediately immediately evoked memories of such, like this:

- snap from Oct 2008 visit with the excellent @stevied & Ms. StevieD.

Barcelona has wonderful creative graffiti though; going back further -

18nov 2003 - with some tiny/early 'borrowed from work' Nikon Coolpix dig compact camera, all 2MP.

ETA: meanwhile with no irony whatsover:

ETA: meanwhile with no irony whatsover:

Wonderful! My favourite Barcelona pic is the one I took on the Metro of a sign reading ‘no trains for an hour as a protest against the Gulf War.’ I wonder where it is... it would have been taken on my Casio QV3000EX, which I’ve just found. Blimey, wonder if it still works?
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Squadron Leader William Pearce, then 89, photographed in 2010 in the cockpit of a Spitfire at North Weald, courtesy of the BBMF who were briefly in residence with a brace each of Spitfire and Hurricane.

William spent a year in the US after he qualified, training RAF pilots at one of the many facilities set up in the States for that purpose. He subsequently flew Spitfires and Hurricanes in the ME, and P47 Thunderbolts in Burma.

"At 0725 three sections took off to carry out offensive reccies of various areas... The second pair, F/Lt Pearce & F/S Naismith covered the road from TAUNGOO to WANCHI. About two miles south TAUNGOO "B". with F/Lt Pearce on board, was hit by a shell, a 40 or 20 mm, which entered the port side of the belly just behind the main plane. It wrecked (sic) havoc with the inside of the aircraft but F/L Pearce managed to bring the aircraft safely back to base."

As I recall he caught TB in India, to which he lost a lung.

I knew him quite well at this time. He once told me that his greatest fear was stroke, and fate was sadly to play exactly that card on him two or three years after this photograph was taken. He died in a nursing home in 2015.

Usually modern art goes straight over my head, but a couple in the Tate Modern on Tuesday struck a chord (or something), I really liked these two:

This painting grabs my attention. I'm not up to speed with what passes for art these days but this reminds me of past art movements being blended with current times. A touch of Picaso, a healthy dose of Dali blending absurdly with people of today in the early 21st century.

Usually modern art goes straight over my head, but a couple in the Tate Modern on Tuesday struck a chord (or something), I really liked these two:

Below is beneath the above, a really large display, with strobe lights (scrolling words) in the background, surreal!

Joseph Beuys?
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