
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2018 part II

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what i had in mind was to see what you would have had in mind if framing only that part of the scene. i don't think a crop would be close to the best possible result in that scope.

Ah... understood. It would have to be a landscape crop or possibly a square. Might have a play with it this evening.

BTW - really liking your abstracts / textures. I'll have to attempt one soon as homage. Of course, it will have to be in 3:2 aspect ratio (which is great for printing as well)

A 917 will always draw a crowd.

Selective colour black and whites don't normally work (IMHO). This is definitely an exception.noce image (and car) :)

Ah... understood. It would have to be a landscape crop or possibly a square. Might have a play with it this evening.

BTW - really liking your abstracts / textures. I'll have to attempt one soon as homage. Of course, it will have to be in 3:2 aspect ratio (which is great for printing as well)

Selective colour black and whites don't normally work (IMHO). This is definitely an exception.noce image (and car) :)


On my lappy I just edited it in colour, but I've an easy to use app on my iPhone, so gave it a quick go this morning. I think in over nine years I've used the app about twenty times!
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