
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2010 part I

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As someone mentioned on flickr, looks a little like a sticky curtain. Cool photo nevertheless.

Like the beach hut a lot, John.
Summer & Winter over the Woodborough area Nottinghamshire.


Cliff, Dan, thanks...I've discovered a very small screw rattling around inside the body, so I need to get it fettled. Anyone know of a reputable camera repair outfit that works on old vintage cameras?
Cheers. Mostly uneventful, but he did fall up down the front steps when we got back to the house.
Cliff, Dan, thanks...I've discovered a very small screw rattling around inside the body, so I need to get it fettled. Anyone know of a reputable camera repair outfit that works on old vintage cameras?

I wonder if it's the iris that's not stopping down correctly. Is there a mechanism that connects the iris in the lens to the body that's gone wrong? A lever in the lens mount or something?
@ Pete, I'm up north on the doorstep of the lakes and thanks for that link.
@ Patrick, I've removed the film back, the focusing hood and the bayonet lens, the only thing I cannot shift is the helicoid lens mount, which seems to be jammed and the release button is doing nothing. The loose screw is like something you'd see in a wrist watch, and was lying on some black cloth at the base of the camera! There is no way of me fixing it, it needs precision tools and skills that go with them to sort it out now. Time to make some phone calls...
nice pictures Milan. The bay in that top one is a bit like this one in Northumberland, which looked like this last month:


even the sand was frozen
Thanks Cliff,

Arount the time I took that picture the temperature got to 44C according to the gauge in my car!
A stump up Cley Hill with StevieD and Bok - first outing with the Yashicamat (and an even-older Sixtomat lightmeter). Lovely tactile things to use and no batteries required!


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