
P&O Ferries Scandal

A mate from my town in galloway is chief navigation officer for the cairnryan ferry and from what he’s told me this has been bubbling under for a while, he’s done his captains ticket but dunno if he’s actually captain yet?. Not going to say much else as DP world are a shower of **** and are quite happy to pay hundreds of millions to shareholders but treat their staff with utter disdain and it wouldn’t be past them (with what I’ve been told) to use any excuse to turf anyone out without due cause.
Agree with all of the above but this isn’t helped by references to ‘foreign’ workers. They’re already in UK and presumably are eligible for employment (so unlikely they just hopped off a dinghy and don’t have work permits).
But yes, shoddy behaviour and I suspect the new crew’s temporary jobs will be very temporary.
Surely senior crew have to trained/licenced to operate such ships. Even if you could find agency captain/officers - can you imagine what the service from new-today agency workers is going to be like? And how about the crew down on the truck decks and dealing with the doors? "Herald of Free Enterprise the reprise?" coming soon.

Disgraceful behaviour by P & O. I hope there is port regulatory authority of some description in every port they operate from who will take a close regulatory interest in what is happening here.
Does anyone know how the almost entirely philipino crew are employed on the hull Rotterdam boat? I had heard that they worked several shifts back to back, were resident in the Philippines and we're paid philipino wages. Not sure why P&O would sack them if I am correct.t
A disgrace. The positions are not redundant as they are filling them, post redundancy, with agency staff. I hope customers vote with their feet and cancel bookings until they treat their employees respectfully.
According to P&O Ferries it is losing £2m a week operating. If true, something needs to give. I don't think it's right to bring in cheap crew labour. The Government should step in and do something about this, but I seriously doubt they will. I expect the Gov will say all the right things, but leave this to the commercial market.

Imagine this in France? They would block the Ports, not letting the ships in or out. Port workers would show solidarity with their sacked workers and refuse to work with those ships etc. etc.
According to P&O Ferries it is losing £2m a week operating. If true, something needs to give. I don't think it's right to bring in cheap crew labour. The Government should step in and do something about this, but I seriously doubt they will. I expect the Gov will say all the right things, but leave this to the commercial market.

Imagine this in France? They would block the Ports, not letting the ships in or out. Port workers would show solidarity with their sacked workers and refuse to work with those ships etc. etc.

They took a mint in furlough payments, while cutting pay and making mass redundancies and while the parent company made more than £1bn profit last year. It also doesn't tally with the CEO statement either “Overall, we are pleased with the 2021 performance and looking ahead to 2022, we expect our portfolio to continue to deliver growth.” They're separating notional debts and losses from the profits, that's how these companies work.
Sounds like unfair and wrongful dismissal.

Redundancy it certainly isn't, as others have been taken on to do same job.

I expect the new crews will be employed by a non UK company, based in a part of the world that has poor/no worker protection, low rates, etc.
My understanding was there had to be a 45 day consultation period, but perhaps they can stand employees down. However, is there no employee protections to prevent them bringing in cheaper labour to undertake the same job roles?

I expect DP World will blame Covid, market conditions and the Government.
Redundancy it certainly isn't, as others have been taken on to do same job.

Do you have citation for that? I’m curious what exactly is going on here and what the motivation is if it isn’t just another now non-viable business going under. Who is being taken on?
Do you have citation for that? I’m curious what exactly is going on here and what the motivation is if it isn’t just another now non-viable business going under. Who is being taken on?
Agency workers.
Cheap agency workers with no pension, sick pay, maternity pay, etc, etc.
P and O no longer employ them so their argument is the jobs have gone!
If this Government had any credibility, perhaps it would remove P&Os operating license in order to stop this action. Or, perhaps this is a trap that DP World want to force the Governments hand into another bailout, or let it put P&O into Administration/Liquidation?
I hope this ain't true, because my pal's son was recently promoted to captain the isle of Wight ferries and i think Wight Link is a branch of P&O?

