

ZDDP a zinc derivative was in engine oil got banned as it poisoned catalytic converters, Duckhams still use it in classic car oil .might affect some bearings.
N A recommend changing the oil every 2 years.
Simply lift the platter from bearing, clean oil off spindle. Use tissue paper to remove any old oil from bearing. The Dais uses 2ml of oil, I'm not sure how much the bearing of the Interspace junior requires, perhaps someone on here may know, it's smells like EP90 gearbox oil, I'm sure a quick call to NA or one of there dealers will be able to give you the info you require.
What's ZDDP?

OA oil has.. heck I can't remember what's in it. Don't think it's ZDDP.

An additive no longer used in modern engines as it could contaminate catalysts. It gives more wear resistance to high pressure. Protects places like cam shaft lobes.

Available in classic engine oils or as an additive.

Essential for my 1992 car.
I had ordered Audio Origami Thick Booster oil J7 was unable to send the thick version of his booster oil supplier problems. We spoke on the phone I told him I had cleaned the bearing in anticipation so he sent me the thinner version so that I could us the turntable.
I topped up the bearing and reassembled the platter etc. I have an app on my phone that gives RPM speed & wow. Result RPM 33.4 wow 0.09% not bad for 45 year old bearing.
I modified the Hydraulic Reference a few years ago with a Maxon DC motor as I could not find a trustworthy source of the original A/C motor neither is the hydraulic fluid well in use. I cant wait to listen to hear if there is a difference.
It's just good practice to service the deck every year. I clean the belt, strip it down, check everything for wear (there is zero after 10 years, but maybe that's helped by careful love and attention) and i renew the oil. Joh Palmer thought that an oil designed for low speed bearing work
was ideal and I've always used ISO32 slideway oil since. Cheap and perfect it seems.
I have just cleaned & topped up the bearing on my Hydraulic Reference TT with the THICK version of Audio Origami Booster Oil, it took 4 minutes for the bearing + 5 kg platter to drop & settle I used some of the extracted thin oil to lubricate the strobe wheel shaft. I listened to Emerson Lake & Palmer Pictures at an Exhibition I thought I had not lowered the arm, suddenly the announcement came from an inky darkness. On Promenade Greg Lake's voice sounding louder more defined with noticeable resonance the Hammond Organ can be heard in the background, not made just vaguely aware of it.
On other records nothing I had not heard before however background deeper, darker noises/soft,quiet sounds more audible. A mono recording on argo of William Byrd Mass for 5 voices at Kings College Cambridge without setting Croft phono stage to mono layers of voices with natural sound I have been to the venue stunning. Record after record enhanced enjoyment, Porgy & Bess voices sweeter. plucked bass sounds right as do tympani. Rhapsody in Blue Paul Whitman orchestra brass raspier and sweeter at the sane time

The last time I heard close to such an improvement was when Len Gregory chose me as an unwitting Guinea pig for his Musicmaster cartridge after years of use of his Music Makers this is damn near; after various mods like parallel resistance the MusicMaster is the best change ever.

How a thicker oil than the one I have been using for years indeed I changed it earlier in the week due to a supplier problem this oil has wrought such an improvement I am in audio nirvana at the moment.

I have no connection to J7 or Audio Origami Len Gregory aka The Cartridgeman after 20+ years contact is a friend.

