
Oil company anti-protest injunctions

And the sunflowers was toss too. Bioplastic is made from a wide variety of stuff.

2% of the world supply of polymers!!!!! WOW. At what percentage of the cost? (Hint, look up online the price per tonne of something like polyethylene and then pick one polymer derived from a "green" raw material.)

Please do some sums, very, very simple maths and tell me where the other 98% is coming from, what other than crude oil, if crude oil stayed in the ground. You are living in fantasy land.
You need a raw material source of in the order of 400 million tonnes per annum. What combination of raw materials are you suggesting that might be? That also needs to be in addition to what the world already produces, pretty obviously.
Oils are loved by industry - actually liquids are, they are very very easy to handle, also natural oils are very uniform and are not contaminated by masses of stuff that is of no use, unlike all the other lunatic stuff used, such as cellulose. Press some seeds, de-water the oil, job done. This also ignores the vast amounts of input for any natural product.
What the hell anyone would do with all of the oil-seed expeller/cake, Christ alone knows.

What industry needs is a source of short-chain hydrocarbons. That is not satisfied by much outside of plant oils and natural, crude oil.

You are seeing a minute part of the entire story. You are living in a dream world with no knowledge of the maths or the chemistry.
2% of the world supply of polymers!!!!! WOW. At what percentage of the cost? (Hint, look up online the price per tonne of something like polyethylene and then pick one polymer derived from a "green" raw material.)

Please do some sums, very, very simple maths and tell me where the other 98% is coming from, what other than crude oil, if crude oil stayed in the ground. You are living in fantasy land.
Oils are loved by industry - actually liquids are, they are very very easy to handle, also natural oils are very uniform and are not contaminated by masses of stuff that is of no use, unlike all the other lunatic stuff used, such as cellulose. Press some seeds, de-water the oil, job done. This also ignores the vast amounts of input for any natural product.
What the hell anyone would do with all of the oil-seed expeller, Christ alone knows.

What industry needs is a source of short-chain hydrocarbons. That is not satisfied by much outside of plant oils and natural, crude oil.

You are seeing a minute part of the entire story. You are living in a dream world with no knowledge of the maths or the chemistry.
Thats not the point.
The figures and information in your post were flat out wrong, and I called it out as toss.
No knowledge of maths and chemistry? I didn't get my figures six decimal places out and pull stuff out of my arse about sunflowers.
Nothing to do specifically with oil, all due to combustion of many different things, albeit including around 60% of oil that is recovered, but coal, gas, wood, the Amazon...........................

Nothing, literally nothing, in the modern world has no connection with/demand for oil, even ignoring fuel. Even hydrogen-powered and electric transport requires oil products, not least for lubrication. They will also, no doubt, use loads of petro-chemical adhesives, paints and sealants, plus plastics. Any pressed steel parts will need die lubricants, machined parts will need coolant-lubricants .....................the list is all but endless. Tyres. Electrical insulation. The mass of exotic materials in modern car discharge lamps. Are lamp clusters going back to glass lenses and reflectors?
Heard it. Fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – are by far the largest contributor to global climate change, accounting for over 75 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90 per cent of all carbon dioxide emissions.

Not my words, the UN.

The law already allows for people obstructing the highway to be arrested Adam. These private injunctions are something else.

You may not be sympathetic to their cause, which is fair enough, but do we want a justice system where people are prosecuted without access to legal aid and where appealing the decision leaves them personally responsible for £100,000s in costs if they lose?

Want to protest about your village green being turned into a car park or your local pub being bulldozed by a big developer to make way for a shopping centre? Entirely possible you'll find yourself in the same position.

Standard far-right playbook. Corporate and party interests are always protected. Protest always criminalised. The law in this country is increasingly a tool for the rich and politically powerful to silence the wider public. Classic fash!

