
Oil company anti-protest injunctions

The UK is leading the world in terms of renewable energy generation.
The infrastructure could not come within light years of coping with every vehicle going electric - the reliable generating capacity and distribution capability of the UK would have to roughly double - for that the protesters need to start by protesting for any form of renewable/green/non-polluting energy generation, and that would have to include nuclear (3? years ago the UK green energy generation dropped like a stone - there was too much cloud cover and too little wind).

There is no alternative to large diesel engines yet either - protest for more research money into that.
I've got a large diesel engined car. 6 cylinder 3 litre BMW - lovely.
Human over popuation is the biggest threat to the planet's natural environment.
Hopelessly inaccurate. We are not killing the planet at all. We’re certainly changing it but the thing we’re killing is current diversity and us. The planet will be just fine. We will not.

I do adore the “you must have oil and everything else is so expensive”. Utter bollocks on both fronts.
If we didn't extract oil from geology we'd have to go back to killing whales... :)
Go and protest at all airports, be useful.

How many flights of anything - people, planes, goods - are 100%, genuinely esential?
It must be very, very close to zero. I really can't think of anything at the moment.

Not only is there massive generation of carbon dioxide, but con trails are now reckoned to be almost as bad in terms of global warming.

99.99% of it is what just used to be whims that have become "essential" in the past 40-50 years, since the advent of cheap flights. "Oh dwarling, I simply MUST spend a fortnight in Phuket in February"

I have flown once (twice if you include the glider, launched by a diesel winch, three times if you include the return flight) in my entire life and although I have many reasons for not wishing to ever again, destruction of the planet before, during and at the destination, is one of them.
Go and protest at all airports, be useful.

How many flights of anything - people, planes, goods - are 100%, genuinely esential?
It must be very, very close to zero. I really can't think of anything at the moment.

Not only is there massive generation of carbon dioxide, but con trails are now reckoned to be almost as bad in terms of global warming.

99.99% of it is what just used to be whims that have become "essential" in the past 40-50 years, since the advent of cheap flights.
A new round of Airport protests are planned by JSO IIRC
What's wrong with spraying a lump of stone orange if it helps to drawn attention to over consumption of oil or oil based products. It's being done by young people and they are the ones who have to inherit the mess that we have made.

Everyone moans about the over use of oil and oil based products and yet every week I am seeing artificial grass lawns that are being laid in gardens that are an environmental disaster. These are being laid everywhere just so some lazy bugger won't need to mow a lawn.

Most people squawk about things but only a few actually try to do something about it and I admire them for taking action rather than talking about it which achieves nothing.

Unfortunately it's one way or the other, you can't have it both ways.
Mick, I'm impressed. You get it. I wish more retired Tories were this smart.
Plenty of synthetic lubricants, and non oil based plastics.
Why piss about with hydrogen fuel cells when renewables generate electricity efficiently? Hydrogen is a very difficult substance to contain, some - most - current piping and seals are porous to it IIRC.
Needs leaving in the ground, and good luck to all campaigning for this.

They were but the cops have pre-emptively arrested dozens of protestors.
Plenty of synthetic lubricants, and non oil based plastics.
Why piss about with hydrogen fuel cells when renewables generate electricity efficiently? Hydrogen is a very difficult substance to contain, some - most - current piping and seals are porous to it IIRC.
Needs leaving in the ground, and good luck to all campaigning for this.


Yes, maybe as much as 0.00001% of world demand. Pure fantasy.
Plastics from plant sources - we only have to cover the entire world landmass with sunflowers.

So what? You have lost me.
Bioplastics have been around since almost for ever - I worked in the plastic films industry and where I worked was looking at casting one in particular in the 1980's.

They are all niche and/or expensive and/or just not scaleable.
I will say it again - the world uses one trillion tonnes of crude oil for non-fuel uses per year. It produces something over 400 million tonnes of various plastics each year.

There are something over 20 million tonnes of sunflower oil and around 60 million of soy oil produced per annum. If you'd like to chop down more rainforest, current world production of palm oil is around 75 million tonnes. These do not touch the sides.
Go dig for cellulose figures (NOT wood and the like, in fact a lot is made from cotton linters), and you wil find that at around 7 million tonnes per annum.

You are living in fantasy land and talking/implying total toss.
So what? You have lost me.
Bioplastics have been around since almost for ever - I worked in the plastic films industry and where I worked was looking at casting one in particular in the 1980's.

They are all niche and/or expensive and/or just not scaleable.
I will say it again - the world uses one trillion tonnes of crude oil for non-fuel uses per year. It produces something over 400 million tonnes of various plastics each year.

There are something over 20 million tonnes of sunflower oil and around 60 million of soy oil produced per annum. If you'd like to chop down more rainforest, current world production of palm oil is around 75 million tonnes. These do not touch the sides.
Go dig for cellulose figures (NOT wood and the like, in fact a lot is made from cotton linters), and you wil find that at around 7 million tonnes per annum.

You are living in fantasy land and talking/implying total toss.

Yes, maybe as much as 0.00001% of world demand. Pure fantasy.
Plastics from plant sources - we only have to cover the entire world landmass with sunflowers.

So, currently 2 percent. So, toss.
And the sunflowers was toss too. Bioplastic is made from a wide variety of stuff.
World annual jet fuel production - currently around 350 million tonnes.

Imagine replacing that with recycled deep fat fryer oil!!
Even more mind-numbing imagine the quantity of chips, or even the area of land needed to grow the sunflowers - all back in the same league as polymers.
If the protesters are preventing deliveries of petrol to petrol stations, then I would suggest that most of the public would consider it in their interest that they are stopped or removed.

And Lord alone knows how much extra fossil fuel it leads to being burnt in the total chaos.
If the protesters are preventing deliveries of petrol to petrol stations, then I would suggest that most of the public would consider it in their interest that they are stopped or removed.
The law already allows for people obstructing the highway to be arrested Adam. These private injunctions are something else.

You may not be sympathetic to their cause, which is fair enough, but do we want a justice system where people are prosecuted without access to legal aid and where appealing the decision leaves them personally responsible for £100,000s in costs if they lose?

Want to protest about your village green being turned into a car park or your local pub being bulldozed by a big developer to make way for a shopping centre? Entirely possible you'll find yourself in the same position.

