
Oh Britain, what have you done (part XXII)?

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A sobering read about the European Medicines Agency:

The day the UK leaves, everything in the EU27 will function PRECISELY as it does now. Money will be tighter. Some of their sectors will face challenges. But none of their rules or processes change. They face no transition. We do -in a myriad ways- and are totally unprepared.

Does your faith and patriotism have the magical power to make technical legislation and multidisciplinary agencies just spring into being? Is it unpatriotic to raise the #Brexit alarm or quite the reverse? Am I a remoaner for thinking about this? Or are you a fool for not?

And that's just one facet of the Brexit nightmare.
Will David Davis beat Damian Green to be the next out the door?

Brexit Secretary David Davis might resign – because ‘he’s not being included’

David Davis 'is on the brink of resigning' over bombshell secret letter sent to PM by Boris and Gove as new details emerge about their 'desire to turn post-Brexit Britain into a Singapore in Europe' tax haven'

If Davis goes, who gets the gig? I reckon Gove...
Will David Davis beat Damian Green to be the next out the door?

Brexit Secretary David Davis might resign – because ‘he’s not being included’

David Davis 'is on the brink of resigning' over bombshell secret letter sent to PM by Boris and Gove as new details emerge about their 'desire to turn post-Brexit Britain into a Singapore in Europe' tax haven'

If Davis goes, who gets the gig? I reckon Gove...
I think he'll go because he's seen as a dozy slacker and even if he wasn't slacking, would still not be up to the job. There's a far right tendency in the Party, operating unchecked even at Cabinet level, because we have a weak PM who serves purely at their pleasure. It would be bad enough in peacetime but in the middle of the Brexit crisis it's a recipe for disaster. Disaster for us that is.
Jacob Rees-Mogg was on Sunday Politics earlier doing his very polite and posh crash ‘n’ burn free-market thing. A man who desperately wants the lowest-tax lowest-regulation race to the bottom Brexit possible, and would almost certainly profit hugely from it personally.
Mogg is representing his clients and his own investment portfolio. Some might call it a conflict of interest, I prefer 'scam'.
Tax haven Britannia. That is their goal.

Skip forward a few years, and I'm sure Mogg, now Parliament's first billionaire, will be saying that the benefits of the food shortages are that we are becoming a less overweight nation and that means people will be paying less for their health insurance.
There is no doubt anymore- the Telegraph and DM are dog whistling to far right and other violent criminals. This is what our country is descending in to- right wing media owners using famous newspaper titles to intimidate politicians with death threats under the sham of "free speech". It's back to the 30s. Europe will be better off without this poison.
Mmm both local and national politicians in my country regulary receive death threats, even ordinary guests in tv talkshows receive dozens of death threats. Netherlands is Europe too.
The point is that the incitement by these newspapers correlates with frequency of death threats against politicians- over and above the background noise. I prefer the account of the victim in this case- an MP and barrister. We have already had one woman MP murdered, by a man shouting slogans similar to the language used by the same newspapers. Be under no illusion- this is incitement.
If there was any attempt to overturn Brexit (which there won't be) I suspect the Telegraph would go with "Damn These Mutineers To Hell!" and the Mail would go with "The Saboteurs Must Hang".
^Conservative MP Owen Paterson bleating on as usual about why we shouldn't just go straight to WTO rules because that would be just fine. At the same time you could hear the barely supressed panic rising as his spiel went on.


Funny how he was quoting an economic 'expert' (Minford) while ignoring the majority of advice from other economic experts.

Talk about cherry picking (which will become unsustainable after Brexit, obvs).

Also, he does not appear to understand that we can't just 'fall back on WTO' rules' and actually have to apply for WTO status and quotas in negotiation with our EU colleagues is typical of the Brexit camp. Ignore facts when they get in the way of an argument.

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Are we going to see Gove increasingly emerge as the power behind the weak and wobbly Brexit throne? Highly likely, I reckon. Especially if Davis gets the boot.

If so, it looks like the Irish border situation will go from bad to (much, much) worse. Gove + DUP meets Irish veto threat.

From last year...

"Mr Gove, a former journalist, wrote a pamphlet in 2000 called Northern Ireland: the Price of Peace in which he compared the agreement to the appeasement of the Nazis in the 1930s and the condoning of the desires of paedophiles.

The Scottish-born Brexit campaigner said the agreement was a “rigged referendum”, a “mortal stain” and “a humiliation of our army, police and parliament”.

Mr Gove’s views are “a fanatical unionist protest against the agreement”
SDLP MLA Alex Atwood said ...“Michael Gove has attacked each and every intervention to resolve conflict in Ireland. From Sunningdale to the Good Friday Agreement, from new law on equality and human rights to the creation of a new beginning to policing, that is the political character of Mr Gove,”"
....but Britain will make use of magical new technology the government hasn’t even got on the drawing board yet. We’ll have frictionless everything- human borders, customs borders, even frictionless enmity with our former allies. When the Tories are not free associating about magic in the future, they’re making infantile threats they can’t deliver without extreme self harm. These are the people we have in power in Britain.
Are we going to see Gove increasingly emerge as the power behind the weak and wobbly Brexit throne? Highly likely, I reckon. Especially if Davis gets the boot.

If so, it looks like the Irish border situation will go from bad to (much, much) worse. Gove + DUP meets Irish veto threat.

From last year...

"Mr Gove, a former journalist, wrote a pamphlet in 2000 called Northern Ireland: the Price of Peace in which he compared the agreement to the appeasement of the Nazis in the 1930s and the condoning of the desires of paedophiles.

The Scottish-born Brexit campaigner said the agreement was a “rigged referendum”, a “mortal stain” and “a humiliation of our army, police and parliament”.

Mr Gove’s views are “a fanatical unionist protest against the agreement”
SDLP MLA Alex Atwood said ...“Michael Gove has attacked each and every intervention to resolve conflict in Ireland. From Sunningdale to the Good Friday Agreement, from new law on equality and human rights to the creation of a new beginning to policing, that is the political character of Mr Gove,”"
I am still hoping against hope that what Davis/Gove/BJ come up with, or whatever wreckage of the party remains by then, the resultant Brexit horror will be so selfevidently suicidal that we will be forced to have a second referendum to accept the terms, or at least postpone the actual events. However I suspect that this is a forlorn hope, we will persist in this act of monumental self-harm and when we wake up in Casualty in April 2018 the scars will all somehow be someone else's fault.
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