
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+22)?

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Nonsense. There is a difference between making widgets for employer A and making the same widgets for employer B and choosing to work for an organisation that actively campaigns for one or another political party. It would be like me working in food, turning vegetarian and then choosing to work for a meat processor. Or me working for ABT, which I won't ever do. On principle.
Everyone has the right to work, or not to work, for whoever and for whatever reason. Work often includes compromising principles, as a former civil servant I know that probably better than most.

It is choice everyone makes and a "principle" might be the only consideration but more often is one amongst many.
Everyone has the right to work, or not to work, for whoever and for whatever reason. Work often includes compromising principles, as a former civil servant I know that probably better than most.

It is choice everyone makes and a "principle" might be the only consideration but more often is one amongst many.
Of course. However I wouldn't work for Danish Bacon and then proclaim to be a lifelong vegetarian and peta member, or work for BAT and then claim to be a campaigner against the evils of tobacco.
I won't work for BAT.
I'd think twice before I took the Nestle shilling.
I wouldn't work for a company that exploited people.

Everyone has a choice - that might be the job you have, or you get a different one, of you go on the dole. If more people decided not to work for fascist minimum wage/zero hours contract modern slave bosses then this country, and forum, would be a nicer place.

Smash the fascists and don't be a zero hours whore. Just say feck you man and walk out the door of corporate serfdom. Use your choices. And what if there was a Tory government in power when you go on the dole. So what? Better to let you and your family live on the streets than accept benefits from those bastards. And there's no way you'd accept money from any Tory voters or even those feckers who work for companies which paid tax to the Tory bastards. Just remember you've got choices.
I don’t know the detail of the deal Labour would negotiate if they were in govt. I believe they would do a whole lot better than May’s terrible deal.

The parameters of the various deals that can be negotiated with the EU are well known and have been for some time. The problem is that any deal that is not basically May's deal will be such a soft Brexit that the Brexiteers will never shut up about betrayal and everyone else will agree it's worse of than being in the EU.
Smash the fascists and don't be a zero hours whore. Just say feck you man and walk out the door of corporate serfdom. Use your choices. And what if there was a Tory government in power when you go on the dole. So what? Better to let you and your family live on the streets than accept benefits from those bastards. And there's no way you'd accept money from any Tory voters or even those feckers who work for companies which paid tax to the Tory bastards. Just remember you've got choices.

Quite. Anyone on the dole or on other benefits is taking Tory money. They are as bad as Richard Littlejohn and Quentin Letts. No difference.
The parameters of the various deals that can be negotiated with the EU are well known and have been for some time. The problem is that any deal that is not basically May's deal will be such a soft Brexit that the Brexiteers will never shut up about betrayal and everyone else will agree it's worse of than being in the EU.

I can't see a way past the current impasse. Elections or referendums are not going to be decisive, the country is totally split. Some kind of dunderhead will take over the Tory party and wind down the clock until the EU finally loses patience and we are kicked out with no deal. But don't worry it'll be alright in 10, 20, 30 years time with a little bit of luck
Quite. Anyone on the dole or on other benefits is taking Tory money. They are as bad as Richard Littlejohn and Quentin Letts. No difference.

And to those guys on disability benefits I say; be cool bro', don't take Tory money, fight the fascist state, it's up to you, remember you've got choices.
I can't see a way past the current impasse. Elections or referendums are not going to be decisive, the country is totally split.

Agreed - but if it's inevitable that half of the country will be unhappy with either outcome then let's at least pick the option that doesn't involve destroying the economy.
Agreed - but if it's inevitable that half of the country will be unhappy with either outcome then let's at least pick the option that doesn't involve destroying the economy.
I know this gets focussed on the economic arguments, because they are very important, but let's not forget the social ones. The notion of a cohesive (at least in objective) European continent, working to the common good; the impact it would have on millions of EU families living here, and millions of UK expats living in the EU.

I know of a highly regarded academic from the EU, who has held a senior position in a Russell Group university for 20 years, who is considering moving himself and his family thousands of miles to take up a position on another continent, and its entirely because of Brexit. He doesn't want to return to his 'home' country (because it hasn't been 'home' for decades) but doesn't feel he can stay here if we Brexit. But he can't wait to see whether it happens or not; the offer is on the table, he has to decide. Now multiply that by however many tens (or hundreds) of thousands of EU expats, and see what effect it has on the individuals, and on the society they no longer feel they belong to.

So it's not just the financial and economic issues we should worry about, but it's all we tend to hear about.
Farage is where he wants to be.

After fermenting anti-EU sentiment in the UK he can now continue to peddle the same with his new right-wing colleagues in the EU.

His (and his masters) aim it to remove the EU as a cultural and economic superpower with real influence.

The USA, Russia and China will heartily thank him.

Farage is where he wants to be.

After fermenting anti-EU sentiment in the UK he can now continue to peddle the same with his new right-wing colleagues in the EU.

His (and his masters) aim it to remove the EU as a cultural and economic superpower with real influence.

The USA, Russia and China will heartily thank him.

You can guess what’ll be in the manifesto ahead of the GE. Simply take a look at Ukip’s voting record and statements in the European Parliament (when they could be bothered to turn up that is). I’m going for the “we will introduce a freeze on any more mosque building in the UK”. On spurious planning and built heritage grounds no doubt.
Not true, a far preferable option is a progressive coalition.
Like the last one?

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