
Norfolk Audio shops

Or buy a holiday home for weekends down from London...

Can't blame them, if you earn big bucks by subjecting yourself to working in London the first thing you need to do at a weekend is get away from it. Walking along the north Norfolk coast on a bright Saturday morning versus sitting on the tube to get to an overcrowded park full of dickheads... you'd join that queue of Teslas/X5s on a Friday night :D

Back on topic, any shop you can't find a proper address for and that does not explain why is a non-starter for me... plus their FB page extols the virtues of high end audio fuses... they are grifters!
I am not on Facebook, nor do I want to be so that’s a line of research I am unable to conduct, thanks for that info.
Can't blame them, if you earn big bucks by subjecting yourself to working in London the first thing you need to do at a weekend is get away from it. Walking along the north Norfolk coast on a bright Saturday morning

The East Anglian coast gets its fair share of bad weather. Enough to erode the coast at an alarming rate.
I am not on Facebook, nor do I want to be

A kindred soul indeed; could never understand social media, with the exception of themed forums. A downfall for many young'uns, I fear.

The East Anglian coast gets its fair share of bad weather. Enough to erode the coast at an alarming rate.

Our coast, facing east/NNE (at the top) only suffers from continental cold and winds; it's more the geological make-up on that small strip of E facing coast which is subject to excessive erosion (as in parts of Yorkshire etc., I believe). Our prevailing weather usually comes from the west, so E. Anglia tends to be drier than the west. We don't have any motorways, though the A11 is pretty fast. However, you're buggered when that ends at Norwich unless you want to go to Yarmouth, and who would? The new Northern Distributor Road is a boon, though. ;)

happychappy, you just keep that eastern dream extant !
I retired to North Norfolk last year. It's lovely. However second homes have and are continuing to cause problems for the locals. Wells is effectively a weekend gated community for Londoners.
Burnham Market is Chelsea on Sea.
Luckily there are still places devoid of the x-5 crowd.
Good luck with a reliable train service!
My mate just paid 13 quid for a return ticket Norwich to Oxford via that London. Mind you she's got one of those railcard thingies.

OK they cancelled my last train to London. But there's one along half an hour later.
No bother if you're retired.

The OH always says how much better and faster the trains are here compared to the USA. I concur but they are quite fun there.
You exaggerate, Tony; it's about 2 hours at comfy speeds.

As an example, Stratford to Cley is about 130 miles, with a large chunk not dual carriageway. On a Friday afternoon/early evening, I doubt you’d do it in under three hours very often.
There used to be a rivalry between the north folk and the south folk. There was certainly sth between Lowestoft (Sfk) and Yarmouth (Nfk) people when my sister had her accommodation agency in the former some 35/40 years ago. L'stoft is the most easterly pint in Britain which is probably its only claim to fame.
There used to be a rivalry between the north folk and the south folk. There was certainly sth between Lowestoft (Sfk) and Yarmouth (Nfk) people when my sister had her accommodation agency in the former some 35/40 years ago. L'stoft is the most easterly pint in Britain which is probably its only claim to fame.

Surely not the only claim to fame, birthplace of Benjamin Britten and home town to the greatest rock band ever, possibly......
birthplace of Benjamin Britten and home town to the greatest rock band ever, possibly.....

Didn't know that (or I had forgotten). As for the band, yes; can't remember their name but it was this century, maybe only a decade or so ago. Not sure if they're still current though.
martin's on ber st sell naim and classe and many other high end brands, no white goods adn good guy to deal with, also of course my naim dealer, Basically Sound in mid norfolk.

