
NHS Cancer Staff Funding Petition

Yes, but we have been trained to think that ‘tax and spend’ is necessary for funding public services and any party proposing tax and spend will monstered by the media and not get anywhere near electability. Chasing short term popularity is the only game in town
I quite agree but we certainly are going to pay a high price in the future.
I quite agree but we certainly are going to pay a high price in the future.
Yes. My point though is that the premise behind ‘tax and spend’ is a false premise. Spending is not dependant on tax. We do not need to raise tax in order to spend. The government can spend whatever it wants in £’s by spending it into existence. Government spending does not come from a piggy bank of tax savings. It comes from the government deciding it wants to spend some £’s on a project, say Cancer Staff Funding, and directs the Central Bank to credit bank account of those employing Cancer Staff with that number of £’s.

The government cannot run out of £’s. We can fulfil every need for public services. That there is not enough funding for Cancer care, or any other public service, is a matter of political choice. It is not that there is a shortage of available £’s for Cance Care or anything else
The current govt is committed to the destruction of the NHS and historic promises by tories that "the NHS is safe with us" nothing but lies.
The current govt is committed to the destruction of the NHS and historic promises by tories that "the NHS is safe with us" nothing but lies.
Not disagreeing with you for one moment about Tory lies, but the big lie we need to confront is cross party, and that is the lie that NHS funding is dependant on tax receipts. It isn’t. The notion that spending on the NHS is dependant on income from tax is false. The idea that government has to have an income before it can spend is the lie. Our government can buy whatever it likes in GDP’s. Our government cannot run out of GDP’s.

The o going piecemeal destruction of the NHS is a political choice.

