
"NHS at breaking point, and broken"

It was "working" a mere 12 years ago.

What happened in between?


Do you know what that line which says “healthy lives” means? The one where the UK came bottom.
Probably that we all eat and drink too much, don't do enough exercise, don't have enough siestas or enough sunbathing.
Doesn't mean the health service wasn't good at time though.
When the NHS was founded, it had some pretty low hanging fruit to pick to ensure we all lived longer. That was picked ages ago and we are all living longer. There are now many more old people in need of round the clock care and support per head of working population and the remaining marginal gains in healthcare and pharmaceuticals are getting ever harder and expensive/resource intensive to achieve. Compound that with 10 years of shitty government and rip off PFI deals and you are left with a problem knottier than the seconds bin at a tie manufacturers trade fair.

If you are unlucky enough to need care in old age, but lucky enough to own property you don't need to live in, you probably should have to sell it to pay for your care. Zero allowances.

Businesses and individuals should be paying a greater share of their income and wealth into the common pot to ensure equity of medical and social care for all.

I suspect a notional means tested charge for GP appointments would massively reduce cancelled and nugatory appointments.

Maybe the old and young here in the UK could look to the East where multi generational households are more the norm than the exception and caring for the elderly is more often a family matter.

Or, maybe, we'll write about it on an internet hi fi forum, start ponying up for private medical care, guiltily damn the less well off and wonder what on earth our tax is being spent on.

Hopefully the young will riot. I'm probably too old.
Something as simple as having your ears syringed - now not available at GP surgeries for the most part, costs £60 a pop at private clinics now.

my wife had hers done at her GP, by a nurse, and didn't pay a penny
It also never used to cost me a penny either.
Now, N/A at our surgery, hence £60 a time private.
Yes indeed it is my opinion , Time to think of the UK in these dire times.I assume you would like to continue giving away millions we don't have and let your children / Grandchildred pick up the ever increasing bill.

Sorry, but this analysis is simplistic, ignorant and wrong. It's not the way the economy works.
Was a nice idea in 1948 but just doesn’t work in this day and age.
Too many people, longer life expectancy and new, ever more expensive treatments etc.
Literally a bottomless hole.

To fund it, and the required elderly social care that needs to go with it, to the standards / turnaround time people would like would mean massive tax rises. And even if they did that and say doubled the budget I doubt it would make that much difference day to day.

Utter pish. Sorry.
Hearing is next - already mostly given to 'spec savers' - although still currently funded via the NHS budget (at what cost?)
Something as simple as having your ears syringed - now not available at GP surgeries for the most part, costs £60 a pop at private clinics now.

A dear friend of mine, his wife had her ears syringed in Spec Savers resulting in a sudden and excruciating pain. Her hearing has been very damaged ever since. Any noise causes her pain and she has become withdrawn, isolated and miserable (and miserable to live with). She can no longer drive because of the noise and disorientation. Both their lives have been severely impacted by this problem for over a year now. Multiple GP appointments, tests and hospital visits have resulted. Will there be a net saving to the NHS from withdrawing ear-wax removal from primary care settings?
The UK spends considerably less per capita on health care than comparable countries.

The UK Govt. is obsessed with privatisation, tax cutting and cutting public spending.

The UK Govt is simply not listening to concerns and continues to churn out platitudes, denials and false claims about increased funding.

The UK Govt is still blaming NHS staff, alleged inefficiency, Covid, Sunspots etc for its own failings.

And of course the stronger the perception of a failing NHS, the more likely people will accept that some alternative is preferable..
Which of course is what the UK Govt wants.
The UK spends considerably less per capita on health care than comparable countries.

The UK Govt. is obsessed with privatisation, tax cutting and cutting public spending.

The UK Govt is simply not listening to concerns and continues to churn out platitudes, denials and false claims about increased funding.

The UK Govt is still blaming NHS staff, alleged inefficiency, Covid, Sunspots etc for its own failings.

And of course the stronger the perception of a failing NHS, the more likely people will accept that some alternative is preferable..
Which of course is what the UK Govt wants.
This is truly pathetic. As always, the poorest, the working class will suffer from their silly, absurd politics.
We have more or less the same liberals here.
It's ideologically driven, it's a simple process. Break the previously working system to the point where people start to die, and at that point the wealthy and middle class will start paying for private treatment. The poor and elderly will die off, and after a while the population will become resigned to the fact that you either have insurance, pay for it otherwise, or put up with a second class service. It's already happened with dentistry.

yep over thirty years of poor leadership , NHS, Roads , public services pretty much all abused by Westminster !
Was a nice idea in 1948 but just doesn’t work in this day and age.
Too many people, longer life expectancy and new, ever more expensive treatments etc.
Literally a bottomless hole.

To fund it, and the required elderly social care that needs to go with it, to the standards / turnaround time people would like would mean massive tax rises. And even if they did that and say doubled the budget I doubt it would make that much difference day to day.
No, the money for the NHS simply does not come from taxation.

As Keynes said, anything we can do, we can afford, and we can make the NHS into a world class service that benefits human beings and the wider economy.

The only reason the NHS is being run down is ideological

