
New QUAD 33 / 303 to be released...

The new 33 does seem to have the ‘bass’ and ‘tilt’ control of the 34 rather than the 33’s standard bass and treble. Hopefully it is continuously variable rather than the 34’s clunky big steps which I always found ‘too much’ or ‘too little’.

Promising... Yes. FWIW I modded the bass control on my 34's to suit the rooms the system were in. I prefer 'detent' actions rather than continuous as it makes for more consistent control. Fine things like volume controls without detents are annoying to use.
I've mixed feelings about this. For me, it's a little sterile and lacks the fun / cute-ness of the originals. If I'm being unkind, it looks like a 3d rendered imagining of what a 33 would look like in the black mirror universe. I'm sure for many, that's a new version of cool and has appeal.

I reckon my issues with the design could easily be resolved with a few markers on the pots. They just look wrong without.

One thing's for sure, if they subsequently release a CD transport and DAC in the same form factor and a new wooden sleeve to house that and the 33, they'll sell buckets of them.

Would be very fun to arrange a bake off between an all new Quad 33/303 and ESL chain Vs the fully serviced originals. You could even chuck a new DD TD124 and original TD124 into the mix. I predict, one chain will be objectively better, whilst the other is ultimately more enjoyable to listen to.

EDIT - Just watched the video, and it looks a lot nicer than the product images, which is a good sign.
I can't see it selling in the numbers that the original sold in. Who owns IAG? It seems to be some Chinese billionaires toy box.
I can't see it selling in the numbers that the original sold in.

Nothing will these days. IIRC the 33 sold about 120,000 units, the 303 about 85,000 (the 33 more as many were used with 405s). Modern two channel audio is a tiny market in comparison. I’m sure a lot of the real oligarch-price stuff one sees at shows only sells a couple of units, maybe ten if they are lucky.
According to a German website the price of 33 and 303 will be 1300 Euro each. No class D .
I spoke to Quad at the Munich show about the new 2912x ( and there will also be the 2812x ) The main improvement is a new transformer for better treble detail. Hopefully coming in October but I suspect the price will go up.
According to a German website the price of 33 and 303 will be 1300 Euro each. No class D .
I spoke to Quad at the Munich show about the new 2912x ( and there will also be the 2812x ) The main improvement is a new transformer for better treble detail. Hopefully coming in October but I suspect the price will go up.
Thank you. Interesting that they think they can improve treble detail. The treble detail on the current 2812 already seems to be as good as it could possibly be. That’s with Chord DAC and amp though!
Only if one bought-into the ridiculous hi-fi rack aesthetic of the ‘80s and onwards. I really like the 303 as it is narrow and takes up so little width. The 33 is nice and compact too. You can sit both next to one another in the space a typical 17” black box occupies with space between.
But you can't stack them or put anything on top of them. If you want something you can just plonk on a sideboard a 34/306 is a much more practical form factor.
But you can't stack them or put anything on top of them. If you want something you can just plonk on a sideboard a 34/306 is a much more practical form factor.

It is hard to think of a better piece of audio design than the 34/306, but the 33/303 needs to be viewed in its era and intended use context. Only the 33 and FM3 were intended to be on show, the 303 dumped out of sight in a cabinet somewhere. I love the design of the 303 and do like how narrow it is, but it just couldn’t be made as small as a 306 as that technology didn’t exist yet. The 303 is exactly the size of a Quad II. A space saving of 50%.
It is hard to think of a better piece of audio design than the 34/306, but the 33/303 needs to be viewed in its era and intended use context. Only the 33 and FM3 were intended to be on show, the 303 dumped out of sight in a cabinet somewhere. I love the design of the 303 and do like how narrow it is, but it just couldn’t be made as small as a 306 as that technology didn’t exist yet. The 303 is exactly the size of a Quad II. A space saving of 50%.
Yes the original 303 is a fantastic piece of industrial design - but as you say it was intended to be hidden away in a console.
I wholeheartedly agree re the industrial design of the 33/303 but to me the 'effluent' colour scheme left something to be desired. The Quad 2 battleship grey looked much better imo
Had a play with the buttons on this new 33 at the Munich show last week and they were very nice. They felt like the originals, if not a bit better. The finish and looks are great, a worthy resurrection imho and will look great on any sideboard (the 303 could be hidden if required of course).
Had a play with the buttons on this new 33 at the Munich show last week and they were very nice. They felt like the originals, if not a bit better.

If they were accurate one should occasionally fall off as another was pushed, also pushing any button should cause the 33 to slide backwards on the shelf.

PS With my first 33 I actually stuck a wood ruler to the shelf behind the feet so it didn’t slide back when pressing the buttons! Not an issue in the wood case with FM3, but it was too light on its own.
also pushing any button should cause the 33 to slide backwards on the shelf.
Does this happen in the sleeve? I've not had a close look at how it slots in yet.

My 33 is being serviced at amplabs and once that's done I'll have a 33 / FM3 and a 44 / 405-2

I'm in two minds as to whether to sell the 44 setup and purchase a 303 or sell the 33 / FM3 / sleeve.

I've not listened to either yet.
Does this happen in the sleeve? I've not had a close look at how it slots in yet.

No, it is solidly locked in place, you take the 33 out of its metal case, take its feet off, slide the front bit in the front of the wood case, the metal case in the back, and secure with the original bolts. The feet can then be re-appled, though they need longer bolts which should come with the wood case.

PS If the bolts for the feet are missing be careful about length. Too long and you could damage the 33 and FM3 mainboards. They are some odd thread patten too, maybe 2 or 4BA, I can’t remember.
If they were accurate one should occasionally fall off as another was pushed, also pushing any button should cause the 33 to slide backwards on the shelf.

PS With my first 33 I actually stuck a wood ruler to the shelf behind the feet so it didn’t slide back when pressing the buttons! Not an issue in the wood case with FM3, but it was too light on its own.
Tony, it's put your hand/all 4 fingers flat on the top and apply a small downward pressure then push the buttons or the dials with your thumb... that's the way I was taught when I was a lad.

