
New Naim management and products


Scandinavian Member
Just confirmed by the green forum administrator, a new French group management and lots of new upcoming products.
Just confirmed by the green forum administrator, a new French group management and lots of new upcoming products.
Hi Per, can you point us to where you found this. I looked on their website and forum and could not come up with anything...
I predict a Naim Audio shower radio will be one of the new products. Audiophiles must take showers, right? Even the really crusty and smelly audiophiles must get a shower once every few days. That's a massive potential market that nobody else has thought about tapping yet (pun intended).
I predict a Naim Audio shower radio will be one of the new products. .

Perhaps a Mu-So with battery.
On a more serious note, I'm quite sure the new DR-x power supplies with stand-by technology, are developed in order to avoid new amps being left on 24/7.
I can't say this sort of thing should be a surprise, from even long before the group was sold years some years to vulture capitalists, sorry, equity partners...

