
'Nasty evil @%$kers. . .'

My opinion is that no inappropriate usage of the apostrophe is as bad as the Tories torying up the UK.
Would you say that the Conservative party is more guilty of omission or possession?. Maybe the newly fledged Reform party will change the rules on apostrophes.
but five minutes spent on PFM or any other forum reveals that at least 50% of posters don't have a clue. :(
Or, as I mentioned, simply can't be bothered. In one or two instances, this almost becomes a consistent writing style here . Personally, I'm much more interested in tenses, which, like apostrophes, seem to be more wrongly used that I remember in the past. Example: underneath my Windows' sign-in space is written 'I forgot my PIN'. Really? When? If the mighty Microsoft can't use the correct tense, surely we are doomed. com
wonder. Is it the greengrocer's or greengrocers' apostrophe?
Good question; depends upon how many greengrocers we're talking about. :D I would say the singular as we're considering a greengrocer as an exemplar of this error (a market holder in my mind). If plural, you're damning the whole trade !!!!
It would appear that even those who get it wrong don't get it consistently wrong.

Clever stuff. I wouldn't have a clue, nor really any interest, in who votes for which party on this forum. Do you use AI by any chance?:D
No. I use B.O. (Bleedin' Obvious)

I'm only fully aware of a couple tbh, and they are PFM members who have self-identified as Tory-voters. So, not that difficult. Their opinions are illuminating though. I really mean that.
No. I use B.O
Funny, that, as I thought one HAD b.o. but utilisation isn't necessarily realisation. :) Of the tens of thousands of pfm members, to have but a handful of Conservative voters beggars belief. However, maybe they prefer to be subtle rather than wave red flags all over the place. Regardless, I believe the whole system which has nurtured our democratic existence these last centuries is in bad need of repair if not actually broken. Small beer to the current state of global affairs though.

Your use of 'self-identification' makes it sound more of a variable gender issue. 😁
One thing for sure is, I have evaluated the tory mindset is that the great majority of em are "Humourless Dolts."

Confirmed this very evening as I have attempted to reconcile our differences with the religious tory family that I was adopted into in 1956, last century.

They adopted me purely for the governments "Family Allowance."

Back in the mid fifties you could only claim family allowance after the third child was born, in order to encourage larger families, boosting the nations population following all of the losses during and after WW2.
Funny, that, as I thought one HAD b.o. but utilisation isn't necessarily realisation. :) Of the tens of thousands of pfm members, to have but a handful of Conservative voters beggars belief. However, maybe they prefer to be subtle rather than wave red flags all over the place. Regardless, I believe the whole system which has nurtured our democratic existence these last centuries is in bad need of repair if not actually broken. Small beer to the current state of global affairs though.

Your use of 'self-identification' makes it sound more of a variable gender issue. 😁
They don't wave red flags, they're blue. Or often a Union Flag.
I agree with Hazelberry in that there are so many occasions where either apostrophe is ignored in modern technological forms of communication that it might appear to be 'fading out'. However, as these aberrations are made due to haste, ignorance or due care and attention, I see no reason why apostrophes should be cast onto the grammatical rubbish heap. They are part and parcel of identifying meaning in text.
Again, my only issue with the apostrophe is in using it to indicate possession (with said exceptions). As a bonus, its disappearance may even ensure the demise of the annoying greengrocers apostrophe 🙂
... And, they also lie with impunity!

To me it's the gullible that believe their lies that have got all of us in England in this perilous state we're in.
It’s been happening in AO/NZ too since the Atlas-sponsored right wing supermax-neoliberal coalition took power. It’s f::cked & too few people seem to get it.
... And, they also lie with impunity!

To me it's the gullible that believe their lies that have got all of us in England in this perilous state we're in.

Not just England! What about the sensible majorities in Scotland and N. Ireland that voted to remain in Europe? There's also a little place called Wales I'm told.

You're in mortal danger of being branded a 'Little Englander' if you ignore the rest of the UK. (but I'm sure it was just a slip of the keyboard. 👍 )

