

An audio system is not reproducing "live music", the creation/reality happened in a recording studio, and there is plenty of soundstage there!

This too is true in my opinion. (But I think that Per's statement was more 'right' in the context of NaimWorld.)
Naim is a strange breed. I walk into a room with their amps playing through expensive foculs and it is worse than sucking a lemon, it makes you wince.

Walk into another room up the corridor and similar amps are coupled with much cheaper Dynaudio Contours and you think jeez is this the same manufacturer? Very nice indeed.

Then go into the room with a 6 pack of 300's going into KUDOS 808's and for me it's the best hifi set up I've ever heard.
When you walk into a room, as I once did, there is loads of expensive kit and you just hear two pools of sound eminating around the two speakers you know you haven't got a soundstage. I had a cable swap when the dealer went out of the room but never did discover the cause of the problem.
A good trick for a cable swap is to take the sock out of the port when you switch to more expensive cables. Night and day!
I realise this is very simplistic..its the irish in me..but surely if you don't like what Naim sounds like you are free to buy something else! On the other hand if you enjoy the Naim presentation then sit back and listen to the music!

Is there a flaw in this argument that I am missing?
Hi 'valves', did the new valves perhaps make you wondering about a different sound?
You have some nice components, have you tried some combinations?

My personal experience, for what it is worth: had an integrated Naim, added a psu, but still felt the need for improvement. At first the sound really grabbed my, after a while I kept missing something (constant upgrade bug). Now I couldn't be happier with a Primaluna integrated, where I noticed other tubes did make a big difference, so perhaps there is an easy fix?
I realise this is very simplistic..its the irish in me..but surely if you don't like what Naim sounds like you are free to buy something else! On the other hand if you enjoy the Naim presentation then sit back and listen to the music!

Is there a flaw in this argument that I am missing?

Now, don't you start bringing logical arguments into this whinging session, you "bad person" you!

As my late aunt (a Dubliner) would say, "Now Christopher, if I were wanting to be going down that particular road, I would not be starting from here!"

A very sage lady....

I realise this is very simplistic..its the irish in me..but surely if you don't like what Naim sounds like you are free to buy something else! On the other hand if you enjoy the Naim presentation then sit back and listen to the music!

Is there a flaw in this argument that I am missing?

Just the point I'd have made if I could have been arsed :)
To the "freak"-And Why o' why should this matter one bit to you then? Other than to flame some fire or whatever it is you seem to take such delight in bringing to everyone's attention?

Why not just leave the threads alone rather than adding your crap that really means nothing to any of those that do enjoy Naim? That is what I do not understand. So what if some are in the so called "Cult" as you put it, or misled, or admire. So what if they-me included spend my money on it? Who gives a ****ing shit?

I enjoy a lot of different gear, including Naim. I also do not like or think much of quite a bit of gear, but I do not jump into threads where I know it has no interest for me and fan flames. Why bother? We all like what we like. No need to go on doing what you do.

Good Lord....
Why o why do Naimies give (equally) a ****shit and believe it is not only their exclusive God -given right to 'Tower of Babel techno -babble bash others' ears about the alleged virtues of Naim products, but as some form of sacrificial PRAT duty, they must perform?.
The rest of us non -believers formed our own personal opinion of Naim's sonic sludge - long , long ago...the first time -our ears were insulted.

Imagine the clogging of pinkfish if every other brand of Hi Fi was treated the same way by those that brought non-naim products.?
You obviously dislike the cult-like aspects of some Naim devotees (not too keen on them myself). However I have recommended second hand Naim systems to many music loving friends (mostly classical lovers) and they have all been delighted with their purchases. I have listened to classical music through their systems and have yet to be disappointed.

Nic P
Being a person with countless thousands of classical recordings to play and then adding thoughts of having it subjected to Naim products, ( a nauseating experience - to which unfortunately, I have had subjected to, on occasions) - should make anyone scream for everyone to run and escape , by the nearest exit. It turns classical music into processed junk material. Like taking music and giving it a 'hot frizz perm' with dear old Granny's fire/gas perming tongs. Fit only for use in some form of 'next-step' musical garage waste - disposal apparatus. .
Music freak,

I may be misunderstanding your posts but you sound like you don't care for Naim.

I don't think you are a human being freak.
Your English is so poorly constructed and repetitively gibberish I think you are a computer programme designed to churn out this rubbish in response to the word Naim.
I don't think you are a human being freak.
Your English is so poorly constructed and repetitively gibberish I think you are a computer programme designed to churn out this rubbish in response to the word Naim.

A comment, one can easily expect from someone who could claim to be pinkfish's permanent purveying snob-snot merchant

