

What a depressing thread!

My CB 250 has never been serviced!

How much will this cost me?


Be happy the service is possible

How many amplifiers your's age (30 years or so) have this kind of support option ?

I'd say its good value every 12-15 year or so
its an amp for life
What about your LFD amplifier ?

Will it not run your speakers properly ?

That amp should be able to provide both prat and good tonal timbre

I was just about to write the same thing... There's a Stereophile reviewer (Sam Tellig, IIRC) who absolutely raves about the LFD, calling it the best integrated he has ever heard. I have never heard it, but I'd be careful about ditching it.
On the Naim forum, a guy who is also au audio reviewer has written excellent things of the Sonneteer Alabaster, too.
Hi all,

I guess Naim is something I'd like to try.

Iv'e got decent gear at the moment but there is a nagging thought that I might be missing something?

The LFD is a good amp.

Lots of people seem to like the CB era Naim gear and keep it.
Iv'e got decent gear at the moment but there is a nagging thought that I might be missing something?
No you are not unless you fancy getting on that Naim wallet emptying bandwaggon.
i have an all Naim setup - a rather basic one and am looking for a tube integrated amp.

So its best you define what you are looking for and audition accordingly.

The Sonneteer Alabaster - is a good option. I have a close friend who owned the amp for 3 years and regrets selling it.

But YMMV...

No you are not unless you fancy getting on that Naim wallet emptying bandwaggon.

No need to jump that old waggon song

Its a free world ( mostly )

Its entirely down to owners own decision purchasing more, Lumina, DR upgrades, Fraim etc..- not needed in CB world
The only thing that you really sacrifice in the older Naim gear is the soundstage. Servicing used to be an issue with me, but companies such as Witchhat seem to resolve this. Naim keeps its value so well that you can try it, and if you don't like it you can easily sell it on at almost no loss (or even a profit). Personally I would go Olive and have a 72 (just 'cos I like the looks).

Nic P
I don't get the missing soundstage thing. Naim does soundstaging as far as I can hear. With Hicaps, speakers away from walls and a decent front end, I get a soundstage and nice imaging. The Ryan boards in the 72 also help.

And those who don't like the servicing costs could try DIY.
I don't get the missing soundstage thing. Naim does soundstaging as far as I can hear. With Hicaps, speakers away from walls and a decent front end, I get a soundstage and nice imaging. The Ryan boards in the 72 also help.

And those who don't like the servicing costs could try DIY.
Calling... Naim's Presentation "soundstaging" is a heresy use of the word??!! Think again.

Being familiar with what was considered "Soundstaging" in the past : comparing that given standard -with Naim...
Naim products in combo- sounds like a big bloated 'loudness compensation switch -on' Why o' why people go to so much expense to achieve that result when simple tweaking and fiddling with other cheap equipment and control knobs - ...and people can get that same instant 'exciting' " the place is alight' and fully on fire - Prattie" sound?:rolleyes:

Perhaps there is such a condition.... that could be termed "sonic pyromania"? Where its listeners love 'hard-on' listening!
Why o' why do some certain people always feel the need to come on to a Naim based thread and bash it to bits?
Why o' why do some certain people always feel the need to come on to a Naim based thread and bash it to bits?

Why o'why is such a so called , alleged perfect brand of reproducing equipment - need so much talk 'about how wonderful - it is???!! '
Or question , the pressing compulsive need to communicate , when someone even dares to state they simply altered a connection/ shifted a unit - a inch or two/ forget to put some tiny grommet in the right place/ cut an extra inch off some 'precious Naim -mandatory' speaker wire ...., etc etc etc.

What Naim is perfect for, is encouraging those OCD misfits that subscribe to 'the cult'
(1) that they have a legend of new like people friends
(2) BUT more importantly, ....' friends' ...that will educate them how to be fellow experts in Naim PRAT - dancing..

To get a full " Dorothy's Dancing Shoe -Award" certification degree : requires never ending acquisition of ever increasingly higher priced newly released aids & accessories to get 'top of the class' admiration ' from other members of this strange Society.

Perhaps some sharp Show promoter should recruit some of its most versatile members totally skilled in its dark Arts and form a new style of Riverdance troupe'.

It would be interesting to see 'going to seed' Naimies in a chorus line kicking up - doing their Prattie steps -stuff, to some of their preferred head - banger music in some corner pub floor show. :D
Radio 3 transmissions / recordings and many live CD / LP recordings can create a fantastic 3-D soundstage. A lot of these are the recordings I listen to most. Even a well recorded studio album can fake it quite well (e.g. Basil Lamb's Messiah). My current kit (TEAD Eikos CDP, TEAD Vibe and Hovland Radia into Tannoy Kensingtons does this very well. My previous 52/250 had some sound staging but wasn't in this aspect terribly good. I agree you don't get it in live performances, but in recordings this aspect is better than the live experience. It is not important to many people but it is to me. In every other respect I like the old Naim equipment. Not looking for a fight, just a personal opinion.

Nic P
Why o' why do some certain people always feel the need to come on to a Naim based thread and bash it to bits?

I don't get it either. I ceased using Naim gear a very long time ago and aren't that keen on much of their current stuff. I don't regard many of their users as some kind of mad cult though. Each to their own - a few manners wouldn't go amiss with web forums, though, in general.
Why o'why is such a so called , alleged perfect brand of reproducing equipment - need so much talk 'about how wonderful - it is???!! '
Or question , the pressing compulsive need to communicate , when someone even dares to state they simply altered a connection/ shifted a unit - a inch or two/ forget to put some tiny grommet in the right place/ cut an extra inch off some 'precious Naim -mandatory' speaker wire ...., etc etc etc.

What Naim is perfect for, is encouraging those OCD misfits that subscribe to 'the cult'
(1) that they have a legend of new like people friends
(2) BUT more importantly, ....' friends' ...that will educate them how to be fellow experts in Naim PRAT - dancing..

To get a full " Dorothy's Dancing Shoe -Award" certification degree : requires never ending acquisition of ever increasingly higher priced newly released aids & accessories to get 'top of the class' admiration ' from other members of this strange Society.

Perhaps some sharp Show promoter should recruit some of its most versatile members totally skilled in its dark Arts and form a new style of Riverdance troupe'.

It would be interesting to see 'going to seed' Naimies in a chorus line kicking up - doing their Prattie steps -stuff, to some of their preferred head - banger music in some corner pub floor show. :D

You obviously dislike the cult-like aspects of some Naim devotees (not too keen on them myself). However I have recommended second hand Naim systems to many music loving friends (mostly classical lovers) and they have all been delighted with their purchases. I have listened to classical music through their systems and have yet to be disappointed.

Nic P
To the "freak"-And Why o' why should this matter one bit to you then? Other than to flame some fire or whatever it is you seem to take such delight in bringing to everyone's attention?

Why not just leave the threads alone rather than adding your crap that really means nothing to any of those that do enjoy Naim? That is what I do not understand. So what if some are in the so called "Cult" as you put it, or misled, or admire. So what if they-me included spend my money on it? Who gives a ****ing shit?

I enjoy a lot of different gear, including Naim. I also do not like or think much of quite a bit of gear, but I do not jump into threads where I know it has no interest for me and fan flames. Why bother? We all like what we like. No need to go on doing what you do.

Good Lord....
I don't see that the soundstaging starts and ends with the Naim. I'm right now listening to some 1958 recordings of Duke Ellington on a non Naim CD player.

I didn't realise they were making such amazing recordings when I was nought but a nipper. It sounds huge through Naim amps and Neat speakers.
Personally I welcome any comments, it is a discussion forum after all. You don't have to respond to them, you don't even have to read them. I no longer use Naim although I have owned just about every model in the CB/Olive range up to 52/SCAP/250. The thing about it that is really good, is that it is free to own; if you buy well second hand.
Not much soundstage in live music

An audio system is not reproducing "live music", the creation/reality happened in a recording studio, and there is plenty of soundstage there!

PS I'm not implying Naim electronics are deficient in this area at all.

