
Naim shoeboxes, where to begin?

42.5/110 or 160 all CB with service at Class A or Witchat, keep it all as it was designed or you might as well buy something else.
42.5/110 or 160 all CB with service at Class A or Witchat, keep it all as it was designed or you might as well buy something else.

That's where I'm at Gary; I'd like to a hear a vintage CB or Olive combo on it's own before thinking about going down a modded route because unless I hear it in my system, I'll never know what it will sound like and although a modded Naim might be similar, it won't be the same. Same same but different, as they say in Thailand, just isn't the same :)
Just to clarify a further possible 'aesthetic complication' for you regarding the well established NAP160 full width case power amp:

Very early ones are termed bolt down top - for obvious reasons - when you see a picture. Later ones were the well known 'slide within a sleeve'.

All NAP160s had ceased production long before the olive range appeared in Nov 1989. Later in the olive era the natural successor to the NAP160 was introduced - the NAP180.

Opinions regarding the older 160 and later 180 - and which is better vary - Considerably!!
Just a little experiment here to show why i think 'keep it real' like it was intended. Just put a latest Hicap DR on my 42.5/160, result...... More open, cleaner, slightly less harsh, at the expense of timing and cohesion of the instrumentation. Personally not for me.

72/Hi/140 also a cracking combo for Olives as suggested above.
Just a little experiment here to show why i think 'keep it real' like it was intended. Just put a latest Hicap DR on my 42.5/160, result...... More open, cleaner, slightly less harsh, at the expense of timing and cohesion of the instrumentation. Personally not for me.

Better regulation was one of the things that made the 52 better than pre-amps lower in the range. Surprised to hear you find it makes the 42.5 worse.
A wee update as I'm 2/3s of the way there well, sort of. I bought a terrific NAC 72 and Dual Teddycap from a couple of nice fishies. Although I could have went for a hicap, the Teddy appealed to me because it doesn't require recapping and has the ability to power more than one box. So maybe I've gone slightly off target from having a retro setup to match my Kans, but not by much. All that remains is to buy a 140 and that's me, I hope :)

Oh, I just remembered; has anyone ever connected a pair of headphones directly to the back of a 72? I noticed in the 72's manual that 600ohm headphones can be connected directly assuming they've got an appropriately wired 4 or 5-pin connector. My HD650s are only 300ohm, but I wouldn't mind being able to use them with the 72 if possible.
Find an olive 62, get it Naim serviced, add a new TCapIII.

72's are more expensive and dont prat like a perfect olive 62.

least $ for most mind blowin...
Windhoek, are you using the XS power while you search for a 140? How does it sound with the 72 in front?

I have an XS/Teddycap mkIII but I'm thinking of revisiting shoeboxes too. Loved my 32.5/HC/140, moved onto 82/2HC/250. Which, if I'm really honest, was more a change than improvement. (Ok, the 250 was magic! I should have kept that and sold the 140 - ah, the regret of Naim upgrades!) Got rid of all the boxes to make a streamlined streaming system with a Squeezebox/MDAC/XS/Credos, but do feel that I'm missing the CB/Olive sound!!!


With Kans I would look no further than a 32 or 32.5 , 160 if CB is what you are after. Forget any extra PSU, the one in the 160 is better than a SNAPS IMHO. Maybe go mad and get a black SNAIC as well.
Windhoek, are you using the XS power while you search for a 140? How does it sound with the 72 in front?

I have an XS/Teddycap mkIII but I'm thinking of revisiting shoeboxes too. Loved my 32.5/HC/140, moved onto 82/2HC/250. Which, if I'm really honest, was more a change than improvement. (Ok, the 250 was magic! I should have kept that and sold the 140 - ah, the regret of Naim upgrades!) Got rid of all the boxes to make a streamlined streaming system with a Squeezebox/MDAC/XS/Credos, but do feel that I'm missing the CB/Olive sound!!!



Hi Mark,

Yes, I'm currently using my Nait XS as a poweramp until I get a 140. I've only had it set up that way for about 24 hours and as I've been at work all day, only heard it for an hour or two last night but even so, I'm pretty sure adding the 72 is an improvement.

I'm intrigued to hear you say switching from a 32.5/HC/140 to an 82/2HC/250 was more of a change rather than improvement. I had thought about going down the 82 route, but it seems to be a divider of opinion; some thinks it's great, some think it's hifi. I'll wait till I get a 140 and see how things are and if I really like what I hear, I might just leave things are they are.

Derek :)
Oh, I just remembered; has anyone ever connected a pair of headphones directly to the back of a 72? I noticed in the 72's manual that 600ohm headphones can be connected directly assuming they've got an appropriately wired 4 or 5-pin connector. My HD650s are only 300ohm, but I wouldn't mind being able to use them with the 72 if possible.

I have a 102, and used a (borrowed) 5 pin to jack plug cable into one of the sockets with "tape out" pins, in order to try out my HD650s. I was somewhat disappointed with the sound - it certainly works OK, but it seemed a bit dull. So my intention is to acquire an Olive Headline ( to match the aesthetics of the other units).
With Kans I would look no further than a 32 or 32.5 , 160 if CB is what you are after. Forget any extra PSU, the one in the 160 is better than a SNAPS IMHO. Maybe go mad and get a black SNAIC as well.

Spot on from Bob. Kans are lovely with 42.5/32.5/62/72 with either 110/140/160/250. My personal favourite is the 42.5/160, and as Bob says, no need for a Cap as the psu in the 160 is so good. Kans also love an old CB 250 which should be partnered ideally with a 32.5/Hicap.
I have a 102, and used a (borrowed) 5 pin to jack plug cable into one of the sockets with "tape out" pins, in order to try out my HD650s. I was somewhat disappointed with the sound - it certainly works OK, but it seemed a bit dull. So my intention is to acquire an Olive Headline ( to match the aesthetics of the other units).

Tonight I connected up a CMOY headphone amp to the Hicap & had another go with the HD650s. Much, much better SQ than running the cans straight from the 102. It confirms to me that the separate headphone amp route is the way to go.
Thanks for the update :)

I used to own a great headphone amp, an NJC Monitor Audio II, but it recently moved out to live happily with another fish as I wanted fewer boxes, but fortunately, the headphone amp in my DAC is more than adequate, not much, but a bit more :)

