
Naim IBL

The IBLs had an interesting design brief according to Julian Vereker on the original Naim forum (alas my Naim fanboy credentials are showing ;)). Naim designed them to be a high performing speaker meant to be used in smaller spaces where loudness or low bass was not needed. They were to be partnered with higher end ancillaries and would even benefit from being driven actively by 2- or 4-pack amps. However, they were a commercial failure (and were only made for a brief period) because they were relatively expensive and people who bought them often assumed they were Naim's entry-level speakers and used them with entry level amplification and sources (resulting in the IBLs sounding less than ideal).

As someone who has used original Naim speakers for 25 years (IBLs, SBLs and DBLs), they remain my favorite. If you like the early Naim speakers, you will definitely enjoy the IBLs. Just be mindful of their design characteristics. I believe Julian himself really loved the IBLs as evidenced by the multiple pairs he had all over his house.
I used the IBLs for many years and even in relatively big room they were great as many described here.
Since the last 5 years I moved to SBLs which are - as you the Brits like to say - head and shoulders above the IBLs.
I think that if someone likes what the IBLs represent, the right move is to go directly to SBLs.

They have arrived. Really small loudspeakers. Sound nice, it seems they image better than the sbls, and indeed less bass. Allo Digione >> Chord Mojo >> nac 72 / hicap / nap 200 >> nac a5 >> IBLs.

Anyhow, serious audiophile scrutiny ongoing here whilst wrestling with many work emails, planning, admin and all the usual stuff the workingclass people do.
A short write up. I have been one the road all week and am from home in London so I had only Monday for good listening. What I wrote before, less bass and better imaging is still my opinion however I think I know better now why. The front of the ibl is tilted less than the sbls therefore the tweeters point more to ear level than the sbls - I guess this explains the better imaging. I do also thing that a good regulated amp like the nap 250 would be a bigger improvement on the ibls than the sbls. My current nap 140 is fine for the sbls, but the 250 might squeeze out a bit more of the ibls and just give that extra bass needed.
Ah ha, I’ve found a picture on t’internet of the rear panel. The PAXO looks just like my SBLs...

My interest is that I’m looking for an inexpensive “second” Naim system (maybe 9x series) for SWMBO’s room - or perhaps for a daughter - while enjoying myself in the process :)

......and I do have a spare NAXO lying around :)
I don't know if you are using spikes under the IBLs but you can get more perceived bass if you remove them. Of course, the bass will be less well-defined but may give you a more agreeable overall sound. I am using mine without spikes on suspended wooden floors.

And, yes, they definitely can be driven actively (but I've never tried). Since you have 2x200s, perhaps try biamping?
I had a set of lovely black IBLs for a while.
They were run active on the end of a decent olive system - original CDS1/CDPS, 82/Hi, naxo, 2 x 180s...
They sounded superb and gave one of the best bass responses I've ever heard. A pet hate of mine is loose, flabby, overblown bass response, and these were the exact opposite - they didn't try and do anything in the bass that they couldn't do superbly.
This was in a tiny room, so they are very space dependent, and all the caveats above do apply, but they are really a speaker you should experience.
Hi again Lagavullin,

I think your assessment of the IBLs is pretty spot on. They do indeed have the most amazing imaging and fantastic transparent mid range, but there's no getting away from it, they are a little 'bass light'. I've always described them as 'you can hear the bass, but you can't feel the 'thump' of the bass from them.

Like yourself, I started with a 72/Hicap/Nap140 and really enjoyed them. I went through pretty well all the iterations of Naim pre and power combinations, my IBLs were (and still are) the constant. I currently run them actively using a Snaxo (Supercap) and 2 x Nap250.

They sound fantastic (to my ears anyway!) but I'd just sound a slight note of caution here. Improving the amplification, active or passive, brings you more (quite a lot more admittedly) of what you're currently experiencing.

To optimise the bass the two factors I have found that make the most differences are distance to the wall - they need to be backed up as close to the wall as they physically can be (I removed the carpet grips) and ideally (who's room is really ideal!) the wall needs to be of the solid variety, as oppossed to a plaster board cavity type.

The other is factor, as Hockman has said, is the spikes. I'm not so sure I'd go as far as taking them off (though to be fair I've never tried) but ideally you want them as low as they can be, still suspended above the surface, be it wood or carpet, but as close as you can get them without actual physical contact - this takes quite a bit of fiddling around.

I wholeheartedly agree with you in regards to cost, they really are an absolute bargin for what is really a first rate speaker. No speaker is absolutley perfect in every conceivable way and in that sense the IBL is no different. There's not a day that goes by that I don't enjoy listening to them. Over time I've come to not just accept what others may see as their limitations (which I'm more than happy to live with) but to actually enjoy that very tight and tuneful bass they produce.

I hope my experiences may be of some use to you. Whatever you do enjoy them :)
The IBLs are a superb speaker if used in the right context.

I have owned a few pairs and agree with a lot of what has been said up thread. They really do need to be as close as possible to a solid wall and level in the sense that they do not wobble.

I drove my first pair with a 42/140 (I think - it was a long time ago...) and they do respond to an improvement in the amplifier. My favourites were a pair driven by a 42.5/hi-cap/160 and another pair with the Teddy Pardo pre and monoblocs.

Siting is important. The Naim driven speakers were fairly close together but for some reason just “sang”. The TP driven IBLs pointed directly to some furniture (domestic compromise) but still were a joy to listen to. I would have loved to have heard them firing into “free space”.

I hope that all owners of these speakers get to hear them at their optimum. They can be a little special and are now relatively inexpensive so if you are thinking of making a purchase you could be in for a pleasant surprise.
As I posted I owned for many years IBLs and had replaced them with SBLs.
The SBLs, to my opinion, better the IBLs in every aspect including the image.
To my opinion the ability to produce image comes from the electronics, not from the speakers. Every thing that we hear from the speakers is a reflection of the ability of the electronics.
There can be, of course, speakers that destroy the ability of the electronics but both the IBLs and the SBLs are in the high level.
When I moved from IBLs to SBLs I had strongly felt that the SBLs are improved IBLs with many similarities but still much better especially in the base.

I agree Arye.
I own both.
My IBLs are superb
But the SBLs are better

I do not want to go off topic, but I have listened for a good few hours to the SBLs (SBLs indeed) today and any loudspeaker comparison to them is unfair for the other loudspeaker. There are few loudspeakers which can give the details, the dynamics, the music etc so well in a normal domestic situation without extraordinary measures.
I do not want to go off topic, but I have listened for a good few hours to the SBLs (SBLs indeed) today and any loudspeaker comparison to them is unfair for the other loudspeaker. There are few loudspeakers which can give the details, the dynamics, the music etc so well in a normal domestic situation without extraordinary measures.
The Yamaha NS-1000M would beg to differ.
I now have the IBLs in my bedroom system against the solid outer wall, powered by a Nait 5 / Chord Mojo / ChromeCast Audio. It is excellent.

A bit of a problem as well. When I have a non Naim system I tend to be unhappy, one I get a Naim system I like it, but then I get that well known itch ...

