
My new bicycle

I'd worry about any segment ending in Hedgerow.
re changing a flat out on a ride.
Invest in a small saddle bag, big enough to fit 1/2 inner tubes & tyre levers in. Preferably 2 & a few patches. I keep a multi tool in mine. I stick a Lezyne pressure drive in my back jersey pocket. I used to have it on the bike frame but they always come off. A little bit of practice at home and you should be able to sort out a flat on the road in about 5 mins. Beats going to the train station and missing out on the rest of your ride!
BBC Weather's idea of "sunny intervals" this afternoon:


...grey bloke wearing grey clothes riding a grey bike at speed through thick grey cloud with no lights. Not the most sensible way of spending an afternoon I must admit, but fun all the same. Still managed to hit 35mph!
Tony, I told you about living in Lancashire. Here in Yorkshire it's been cracking t'flags all day, still it's been handy for getting t'grape harvest in and t'pomegranates are ripening nicely·
Intervals being the key word?

The picture doesn't really do it justice, visibility was very severely limited, e.g. lots of electricity pylons near the road where only the bottom two thirds were visible, just thick grey above - I have this irritating habit of attempting to take a half-decently composed picture rather than actually recording an event! The BBC weather chart was for light cloud and sunshine, the little white cloud with sun rays, this was very dense fog. Ok, I was about as high up as you can get around here, but I've never seen it like that before. Luckily there wasn't much traffic about and what little there was seemed to be diving very cautiously and with lights on. I think I'll take a rear light on this route from now on, I felt a bit of an idiot without one to be honest.

PS I'm within 40 miles of beating my last year's milage total (3032) and I've over three months left to go!
That looks like a dangerous road to bike on with no shoulder to bail out on, especially given the conditions that day.

That's quite an accomplishment regarding miles, that exceeds the total miles I've put on my several year old bike.
It's a very good photo. I sometimes see cool stuff when I'm out riding, but never think to record it until too late.

Anyway a small but bright red flashing light is a sensible thing. If I wasn't so vain about my aero seat post I'd use one more often.

This is a random but distantly related photo from this year's Etape du Tour,


Going down was spectacularly bad. Unrecordable.

I seem to be at 2760 miles for the year. Further than I thought, but I think less than I've been averaging. Speed is good though at 18.5ish mph.

There looks to be some tired riders in that photo, hope it was taken near the end.

We could start a PFM Strava club for the craic. Not to race each other through the segments, just to see where people ride and recommend other routes to people. You can even take Instagram photo's along the way to see what other people could expect.

For example, I am in Ireland, and if any of you were to come over cycling (you should its bloody good in places), you could look at my rides and I could recommend some routes.

What do you think?
I really like the shot Tony. Really moody.

There are those who think limited visibility is a good thing when visiting some parts of the country :)

I kept one of These on the bike or in the pocket when conditions were changeable in the mountains. Very powerful and very visible.
I kept one of These on the bike or in the pocket when conditions were changeable in the mountains. Very powerful and very visible.
That's seems a lot for a rear light. I can see it comes with a rechargeable battery, but I've never found using standard (rechargeable) batteries on rear light to be problem.
I'm at 9,142 for the year but I only started counting in April.

Wow, that's amazing! How do you find the time to do that sort of milage and hold down a job? I'm self-employed / semi-retired so if the weather is nice there is nothing stopping me going out for a few hours. How long is your typical ride? The most I've done in a day this year is just over 50 miles, my average is half that (the vast majority being commutes into Manchester (22-25) or one of two routes up to Hebden Bridge (30). I try to get out every day the weather is decent enough.
Lovely bike Cliff and a great investment. Enjoy (oh and wear some high viz!)

