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Thanks. As per my earlier comment, my own thoughts at present are on seeing if I can use the 'signature' of having the aliasing present may be a useful approach for 'silent MQA'.

However I want to also see if I can write a RISC OS version of your code. I assume you use GCC. But on RO I tend to use a compiler developed by ROOL as it has some aspects that better-target how RO behaves, and I'm thus more used to it for this. Not much point in my duplicating your work for Linux, but if my alterative works for data that lacks the flagging I can the make that available and try a port to Linux.

Best not to hold breath as you wait, though, as I tend to be glacially slooow compared to good programmers, and keep being diverted to get other things done.
But do we know if the non-MQA offer gives you something that hasn't been MQA'd and is what was presented *for* the MQA encoder? Or is it altered in other ways?
Good questions; both @mansr and I had simultaneous epiphanies re this circa down the bottom of pg. 51, although he seemed more certain of it than I.
Never underestimate the ability of people in the music biz to screw up royally as you give them more toys they can wiggle the controls to play with whilst being clueless of how it functions. :-/ loudness, clipping, incompetent resamplings, etc, etc...

Mind you, even I was a bit surprised by a report of an 'MQA LP' *this* soon!.. although I expected one eventually. MQA on cassettes will be interesting. 8-]
Tidal has removed the genre Swedish, so no reason to stay anymore, mQA or not. Must have been disturbing for them that it existed.
Just having a listen to Straight Songs of Sorrow. There’s a bit of a Lou Reed vibe going on here. Like it so far. Need to listen to it cranked up a bit later. Nice Fegs.

You absolutely need to turn up the volume. Maybe up to 11! I am really happy to have discovered this musician.

Glad to hear you like it chaps!

"Somebody's Knocking" should be your next listen

All the best
The 'subjective' approach relies upon being able to make a controlled comparison. i.e. you compare two or more 'versions' knowing what part of the system has been *changed* when it comes to choosing item for that part of the system. Thus to use it, you need a chain where MQA can be inserted or bypassed as the only thing being altered when you compare music with/without it. If MQA block this, you can't do a reliable 'subjective' judgement on MQA being better/worse/different to non-MQA.
Two trial subscriptions - to Tidal and Qobuz - will serve the same purpose.

Also, a specialist studio -2L - offers carefully handled LPCM and MQA versions of the same performance.
I’m not surprised DZ sometimes prefers MQA over LPCM and vice versa. I use mostly Qobuz for streaming and YTM sometimes, I also have 1k albums as files. Streaming gives me surprisingly variable results, some music sounds poor whereas other music is very good sounding. Maybe some albums have been poorly it the mastering, have they used MP3. All I can subjectively say I is that my CD rips don’t exhibit this level of variability. They vary, of course...but not by as much as I hear via Qobuz.

Comparisons of MQA vs LPCM must be impossible to conduct with any validity unless you know the full heritage of the mastering and that the transcription is identical.
I don't think so. I have made such comparisons for years now.

While "master hunting" may confound comparisons of older recordings, newly released material would be very comparative.
It was Bob's attempt to make a nice wedge for retirement if you ask me, perhaps he has I wouldn't know. No way in hell is it what it was touted to be.

I tried MQA upon its release and wasn't able to find a superior album in MQA vs desirable Japanese CDs and early pressings etc. As such I've no desire to ensure MQA is compatible with my next DAC, in fact I'd rather it not be as I despise the idea of paying for it.

Long continue the master hunting...
To promote harmony and advance progress, I will be happy to send my long dormant Project S2 DAC to the UK on an extended loan.

It can be passed around to those who may be interested in the same LPCM/MQA comparisons that I have been making. Trial Tidal subscription with an existing Qobuz one or 2L files.

After a year, we can decide what to do with the little guy.
To promote harmony and advance progress, I will be happy to send my long dormant Project S2 DAC to the UK on an extended loan.

It can be passed around to those who may be interested in the same LPCM/MQA comparisons that I have been making. Trial Tidal subscription with an existing Qobuz one or 2L files.

After a year, we can decide what to do with the little guy.

It seems most people have decided which side of the fence they're on. Do you feel it satisfies the marketing prior to its release? - "A game changer" etc...?

But aren't the CD quality files also MQA manipulated?

Perhaps this is topic for a separate thread?

It would indeed be ironic if all DACs were made to consistently flag lossy MQA manipulated content by turning on the lossy MQA light. Certified and garantered lossless could then be monitized by another clever Tricky Dick.

WhatHifi agrees with DimitryZ.

Did anyone participate in their event with Bob?
This is very difficult to understand...

Have these so called journalists not followed the angry debates on audiophile forums that MQA IS NOT LOSSLESS?

Haven't they noticed MANSR's diabolical presence on every anti-MQA thread in existence?

Why didn't they understand JimA's sophisticated conclusions based on the inherently trustworthy work by the GoldenOne?

Haven't they even heard of MISKA?

The only logical determination is that they were bribed by Bob "The Devil" Stuart. Or perhaps this review was the condition he demanded to release their children. Yes, definitely.
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Why not? In which situations do you deem it acceptable for applicability of the law to be dependent on someone's financial situation? In any other context the word for that is "corruption."
No reason doesn't mean dependent on someone's financial situation, it means no reason, ie why would they bother. Is my understanding.
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