

Witch Vomit! Hahaha. I thought Ween's song called The Witch's Tit was funny enough ("..he got sick, drinking from it").

@notaclue yes I've been watching those Roundhouse clips of JA. The band's as good as it was, Perry's struggling a bit tho.. & looks a bit LA normal for me. Liked to gave gone, but you'd get a bit depressed feeling old. Saw them in 91. Ritual de lo.. is still -such- a splendid album for me, really really special, the cover, the musical scene/ time, faultless.

Missed Gatecreeper at a festival last summer but will check them out. And just the other day one of the streaming services played a song I thought sounded fruity, and it turned out to be Witch Vomit. Good stuff.

Just a quick plug for a mate’s project. Warning, this is HORRIBLE, so I frankly wouldn’t recommend it for most people. But members who have fond memories of Khanate may have fun with it.

Cattle Hammer
5 year olds could play that song
Well from what's been posted just in this year on this thread I can fully understand why most people don't like Metal, (and why I've never heard of any of the bands - Rainbow excepting but calling them Metal is a bit ummmm... silly).

Give yourself a point if you can name the film this is from:

Witch Vomit! Hahaha. I thought Ween's song called The Witch's Tit was funny enough ("..he got sick, drinking from it").

@notaclue yes I've been watching those Roundhouse clips of JA. The band's as good as it was, Perry's struggling a bit tho.. & looks a bit LA normal for me. Liked to gave gone, but you'd get a bit depressed feeling old. Saw them in 91. Ritual de lo.. is still -such- a splendid album for me, really really special, the cover, the musical scene/ time, faultless.


One of the greatest bands of their era. Nothing's Shocking and Ritual were undoubtedly special, but later albums also very good.

I admire bands with a (relatively) perfect discography and no stinkers. New song here sounds excellent so hopefully that trend will continue (new album next month, I think).

Although partial to a bit of Lemmy-Clarke-Taylor Motorhead, & enjoying some Scandinavian black & folk metal, I've never got much into the genre, until recently when I made a proper discovery of classic Black Sabbath.

I was always put off by what I thought were Sabbaths silly lyrical themes & thick, dark music. But with close attention the songs aren't what I thought at all & are actually quite the opposite, frequently intelligent morality tales cloaked in contrasting yet complimentary music. Sabbath can at times be the OG Christian metal band! 😜 I've been astonished at Tony Iommis creativity within a somewhat limited sound palette. His "musical" approach to playing is refreshing compared to the flashy technical showmanship that I feel infects too many metal & hard rock guitarists. I've been listening to Master of Reality over & over because it's finished in no time!

I'm going to poke into this thread randomly & see what else I can find. :cool:
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