
McTaggart Lecture: Emily Maitlis

BBC News is a disgrace...I've long watched Channel 4 for any sort of challenge to the Tories but was shocked once when accidentally watching the ITN 10o'clock news and found them more balanced than the BBC!
I simply never watch BBC news now, not for about 10 years. It just became apparent either how much political stuff they don’t cover or if they do, how uncritical or how much a direct recitation of the government line it is. Just watch C4 News and their equivalent offering on the same day a few times and you’ll see what I’m talking about. In Scotland, it’s blatant and turbo charged and they’ve alienated a large proportion of the public.

Once you’ve thrown away your perceived impartiality as a public service broadcaster there’s probably no way back. Instead of fighting for it they’ve caved in to threats from bent ministers to let Murdoch into the chicken coop.
Sed contra...


“Credulity didn’t just get stretched, it did a full hour of yoga after that... For a senior news journalist to claim they weren’t familiar with the concept before the Brexit debate and that they hadn’t even heard criticism of the BBC’s approach to achieving ‘balance’ before is either an admission of incompetence or a brazen lie.”

