
McTaggart Lecture: Emily Maitlis

Tony L


Very good IMO. She dives headlong into the rise of popularism, false equivalence, the installation of Conservative Party control over BBC news content etc. Not everyone will agree with everything, but she really does make some good points and makes them forcefully. The lecture starts 14 minutes in, the first part of the video is skippable preamble, introductions etc.
Nice to see Robbie Gibb trending on Twitter. Here’s his Wikipedia entry. Not only has he internal Conservative Party connections he was also a driving light behind the far-right Fox News clone GB News. Paul Mason adds another name even further up too (Twitter).
Thanks for this link, Tony. While I may quibble with this or that point, it's largely brilliant to see what she's saying being said in that kind of context.
Excellent thread here from Richard Murphy building on the journalists need to deal with truth not political equivalence (Twitter).

PS If anyone wants to cite the fact he mentions government spending is not funded by taxation *please* relink the tweet in the main MMT thread. This thread is not going in that direction and attempts to steer it will be removed!
Very good IMO. She dives headlong into the rise of popularism, false equivalence, the installation of Conservative Party control over BBC news content etc. Not everyone will agree with everything, but she really does make some good points and makes them forcefully. The lecture starts 14 minutes in, the first part of the video is skippable preamble, introductions etc.
An organisation like the BBC, whose Charter at part 6 para 1 includes a public purpose of impartiality, should never have board-level appointees whose background calls into question this impartiality. This is not a new problem. The first example I am aware of is Marmaduke Hussey, whom the Thatcher government appointed BBC Chairman. Arguably, Greg Dyke was an unwise appointment, given his Labour Party connections, as was John Birt for the same reason.

To restate this in a more specific way, the BBC should avoid appointing people (at the very least appointing people to roles that have power over decisions of impartiality) who can be accused of being political 'cronies'. It is as simple as that.

Unfortunately, the Charter renewal process gives government the power over the BBC. Right now, I can't see the BBC initiating any such changes to its appointment processes. It is not in the BBC's interest to upset the government by removing Robbie Gibb or Richard Sharp, not that it is easy to remove one's Chairman, anyway.
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Conservatives are shaping the BBC’s news output, you say? If she was still working for them she would certainly have been among those rolling their eyes and twirling their fingers beside their temples had anyone suggested anything like that.

I know it’s a bit hipster I-was-into-this-ages-ago but F me this kind of stuff is insufferable and we’ve got years of it ahead of us: Sensible centrists bravely stating the things they torpedoed the left for saying when there was a chance to actually do something about it.
Unfortunately, the Charter renewal process gives government the power over the BBC. Right now, I can't see the BBC initiating any such changes to its appointment processes. It is not in the BBC's interest to upset the government by removing Robbie Gibb or Richard Sharp, not that it is easy to remove one's Chairman, anyway.

The thing that makes me really angry is this truly vile racist alt-right Conservative Party is charging me a license fee for what is increasingly their propaganda outlet. Pure Trump popularist behaviour. Screw them.
I know it’s a bit hipster I-was-into-this-ages-ago but F me this kind of stuff is insufferable and we’ve got years of it ahead of us: Sensible centrists bravely stating the things they torpedoed the left for saying when there was a chance to actually do something about it.

Don’t worry, she (correctly IMHO) brands St Jeremy of the Ambiguity Fence a popularist too.
Like @Seanm said...


Loony lefties, eh! What are they like?!
A lot of her spiel comes across as protecting her profession. As for the Corbyn picture with a Kremlin background, she's either lying or deluded. She seems quite bright, so I know where my money would go. It's not just the picture of JC, but the background they put him in. Why the Kremlin? He doesn't live there, or work there. They made him blend in with the background, like he was part of it.

EDIT: I wonder why Tories call him Commie-Corbyn?
Don’t worry, she (correctly IMHO) brands St Jeremy of the Ambiguity Fence a popularist too. The far-left fringes of Labour won’t like her speech much.
Of course she does! It’s all these people have (along with “tribalism” and “Putin”) to explain a situation they find alarming and bewildering. Filling the executive board with right wing hatchet men and demanding total fealty to the government cause on pain of defunding? Populism! Democratic reform that will secure the broadcaster’s independence from government? Populism! And possibly Putin-inspired!

Totally unsurprising that she hasn’t figured out the difference even now. And tragic that we’re dependant on these dim bulbs to make sense of what’s happening in this country.
BBC News is a disgrace...I've long watched Channel 4 for any sort of challenge to the Tories but was shocked once when accidentally watching the ITN 10o'clock news and found them more balanced than the BBC!
It's a good lecture. The BBC has been losing the battle against government interference for decades - certainly since Andrew Gilligan affair. It's often overlooked this goes way beyond editorial impartiality.

Ironic that MT's lecture is hosted by a tentacle of dirty digger news (News of the World, Sun, etc) as it has probably done more than any other media org' in UK to bring about the honking great mess we’re in eg DDN has been a deafening cheerleader of The Johnson and his Trumpy popularism, and it has been pushing very hard for erosion of independence of BBC including defunding since Thatcher first let Murdoch in to UK media in 1981.

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Always the case that such things come out once the person has left or is leaving said organisation. I like her, she’s very bright but there is a degree of self promotion about it. Ultimately all journalists, to a greater or lesser degree, tow the line in some ways; they have a living to make.
Always the case that such things come out once the person has left or is leaving said organisation. I like her, she’s very bright but there is a degree of self promotion about it. Ultimately all journalists, to a greater or lesser degree, tow the line in some ways; they have a living to make.
All news is a product and can be good, mediocre, or bad. News is produced with certain markets and consumers in mind, so requires an amount of conceit. Any staff journalist refusing to write pieces conforming to employers’ product spec are toast. EM fell out with BBC after she broke house rules.
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A couple of nicely set out examples of the conceit mentioned above - from new edition of Private Eye:



EM now works for Global - Europe's largest provider of radio product.
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