
Mattress recommendations

@Tony L - I can't recall what base you said you're putting it on but pocket-spring matresses are best on a flat base rather than slatted (the pockets won't work well if there's nothing under them inbetween the slats). If you have a slatted base I can recommend buying some moderate thickness pegboard cut to the size of the bed frame and using that to create a flat base over the slats for the mattress to sit on. The holes in the pegboard also allow for some ventilation underneath the mattress.

Sleepeezee (the maker of the mattress I bought) say slat gaps up to 7cm are fine, and that’s what I have. It may actually work out less than that in practice as there is a central ‘north/south’ beam supporting slats either side, i.e. the central area is very well supported.
Sleepeezee (the maker of the mattress I bought) say slat gaps up to 7cm are fine, and that’s what I have. It may actually work out less than that in practice as there is a central ‘north/south’ beam supporting slats either side, i.e. the central area is very well supported.
Check the guarantee. Our Vispring said the same (7cm) but when we got the 30 year guarantee information it was made clear that this was only valid if we used their Wool Mattress Pad for slatted bases on the base. It made a difference and the feeling is a smoother mattress.
Check the guarantee. Our Vispring said the same (7cm) but when we got the 30 year guarantee information it was made clear that this was only valid if we used their Wool Mattress Pad for slatted bases on the base. It made a difference and the feeling is a smoother mattress.

Certainly no exclusions or caveats either online or in the printed manual which came attached to the mattress. The latter is what I’ll keep as a reference. The printed manual states a maximum stat gap of 3”/76mm, which is 6mm larger than the slats on my bed, so I’m covered with a hard print copy. My guarantee is 10 years.
Have you enjoyed the first couple of nights on the new mattress @Tony L ? Mine was a revelation when I got it!

Yes, I think so. It certainly feels comfortable. Its arrival has coincided with Manchester’s annual Three Days Of Hot Summer, so it was standard 24/7 rain/winter the day before it arrived, and it is really hot and sunny now, so I’ve not slept that well, but it is certainly a big improvement over the last one and I’m sure I’ll like it a lot once I’m used to it. It doesn’t feel overly hot, which is good.

