
Lu's Thread

Dear AV8,

Willow has really grown! They are brilliant little dogs!

Lu and I had a beauty Sunday, starting early with a walk at just gone 5am. Then a walk out with Karen and her two, and then a nice trip out. I try to make Sundays into a special day for her!

Best wishes from George.

PS: She is now completely back to her normal self after her poorly leg a fortnight ago. Thank goodness.
Great news about Lu, glad she is back to her lovely self again George. Yes, Willow has indeed grown quickly over the last month or so, she is a lovely dog, I hope she turns out like Lu, in fact I'm pretty sure they are both peas from the same pod judging by this thread.

We are away at the moment but yesterday we too had a nice Sunday with an early walk & a visit from a dear friend with their dog, it was lovely, a Sunday to remember.
Lu is becoming so genial that it its hard to believe. Terriers are supposed to major on hunting and killing rats, but Lu is so gentle that it is actually incredible: The sweetest Terrier I ever knew.

IMG_2197 by George Johnson, on Flickr

... yesterday after work, and today after a few walks out.

IMG_2209 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Shall we call this little hound, the apple of my eye!

Best wishes from George
Lovely photos yet again George.

Sorry for infrequent updates of late, I have started a new job that is full time again, taking up my time mostly.

Anyway, here is one growing up quick little dog watching TV the other day.

The goose toy you see is a hand knitted present from a friend, he is called Hans, the goose that is, the poor little bird gets bitten, tossed, ragged every day but is still somewhat intact. Willow treats him like I would assume a real goose if she caught one, she rags it from the left to right to left in a crazily fast manner, it must be the kill instinct kicking in. Now she is older, 6 months, she is fast moving away from the pup stage of chew everything, including my hands & toes, to a more mature demeanor, can still get naughty though.
Three photos from 1964. when I was two and a half [same age as Lu is now], my younger brother, and Josephine who was a Fox Terrier. Like a Jack Russell but with longer legs, so similar in physique to Lu.

Firstly, facing off milking cows:

IMG_2233 by George Johnson, on Flickr

And in the garden at the Pool Farm:

IMG_2237 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Now with a tiddler lamb:

IMG_2236 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Finally, Lu about a fortnight ago keeping a sharp eye out!

IMG_1564 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Fifty nine years of knowing Terriers, and strange to say, Lu is very like Josephine. I used to call her JCB, as she loved to dig the carpet up in the corner of the front room! Both gentle, and both wanting to hang round people as much as play with other dogs.

Best wishes from George
Three photos from 1964. when I was two and a half [same age as Lu is now], my younger brother, and Josephine who was a Fox Terrier. Like a Jack Russell but with longer legs, so similar in physique to Lu.

Firstly, facing off milking cows:

IMG_2233 by George Johnson, on Flickr

And in the garden at the Pool Farm:

IMG_2237 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Now with a tiddler lamb:

IMG_2236 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Finally, Lu about a fortnight ago keeping a sharp eye out!

IMG_1564 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Fifty nine years of knowing Terriers, and strange to say, Lu is very like Josephine. I used to call her JCB, as she loved to dig the carpet up in the corner of the front room! Both gentle, and both wanting to hang round people as much as play with other dogs.

Best wishes from George

lovely photo of Lu - you should post some pics over in the pets pics thread:
Indeed. Thank heaven for this thread in these difficult times!

Dear Sue,

It is certainly true that I was spiralling toward depression till Lu came here thirteen months ago.

It is completely impossible to be serious in her company, and even when asleep she is still completely alert ... apparently flat out, if anyone comes up the vestibule stairs she give a sharp single yap and goes to the door!

She might not be any use as a real guard dog, but she will certainly let me know someone is about before they ever get to the door. Geese will do that when settled.

She does curl up in a ball for bit of "me time," and she prefers not to be disturbed when like that - usually in the early evening, before the last walk out. If you do put a hand out for a bit ear or tummy tickle, she gets up and goes and sits behind the chair. That puts me in my place!

But mostly she is playful, and wanting to be off on a walk or going to work, where she behaves perfectly. She is amazing with old ladies with bad legs. Just so gentle. Knows not to rub the legs or jump up but gets close and turns over for tummy fuss.

That is a sort empathy, or social intelligence, and it seems to exceed what most humans have in reality.

Best wishes from George
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Lu is a creature who humbles me with her sympathy, and sanguine geniality. She must be a sort of dog saint, being so gentle and affectionate.

She is the one benison left in my life in these times. I am visiting my ten year older cousin Patty in a fortnight up in Gainsborough - the last remaining member off my family whom I love, and she loves Lu and I love them both!

It makes an interesting dynamic, because Lu can get a bit bored with two old folk talking the back legs off a cow, and she [who ought to be obeyed, but left out] she makes her presence felt! Not jealousy, but we must remember that are three people in the room, even if one is a canine! Well canines are sometimes more human than some [most] humans!

We have no plans for adventures, just a nice weekend break while we still can.

Sorry for a rambling post, but somehow it lets out my desperation for better times, and the strength gained from a lovely little dog who loves me and everyone I love. Who could ask for more?

Dear Fredrik, We are in Poland and went to a Nigel Kennedy gig in Kolobrzeg. Really good duo with a cellist and a variety of music. Back to Pruszkow today.

Poland is a great relief from 40 degrees in Alora but back there in 2 weeks.

Stay well and positive.

There are some good things going on with Lu as she becomes fully adult. She was spayed a few months ago, and only a few weeks after became even more relaxed and genial, and then her patella luxation, where she is now more careful of herself. She does not bump about randomly, though still still keeps pace with much larger dogs at a gallop! I am sure the vet would shudder at that! But you cannot tether a Terrier all the time ...

Here are pictures from the last week, where she is totally sparked out, and comfortable.

IMG_2259 by George Johnson, on Flickr

IMG_2269 by George Johnson, on Flickr

IMG_2265 by George Johnson, on Flickr

IMG_2264 by George Johnson, on Flickr

On Friday, we are going up to Gainsborough to visit my cousin Patty. Pat and Lu get on so nicely.
Holiday for me, and holiday for the dog. Just an adventure for her, and guess what? Patty is just as excited by a visit from Lu as me. Well that's fine.

Anyway, it is nice to have a couple of days not slogging weeds in gardens!

Best wishes from George

PS: Dear Frank, Please may you have lovely days in Poland. Best to you both you and your lovely wife!
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Lu has been in the wars again. She is too trusting and got attacked for no reason at all ten days ago. Lucky not to lose her left eye. She has known the attacking dog in question since she was nine weeks old. One to cross off the list of play-mates.

Like a healthy young Terrier she has bounced back, but I have to be careful with dogs big enough to kill her in a trice ...

Today we have been to Worcester to see my friend, Pawel and his wife's Frechie called Queenie, who actually adores Lu. Lu is the leader with Queenie as the Frenchie is fairly typically sedate for a seven year old of the type. But Lu plays so gently, encouraging running and diving!

On our way round the Country Park near the County Hall and Royal Infirmary, Lu [off the lead] met a twelve week old Border Terrier called Sonny, on his first ever walk in public. You never saw more solicitude! Quite amazing how gentle Lu was with a little Terrier pup, who was looking for his first encounter with another dog. Sonny's owner thanked me so much for his new pup's first face to face, and confessed he would just as soon have had a Patterdale, which are rare enough in Hereford and Worcester. She knows how to socialise with children, old ladies, and dogs who want to play not bully. She has no answer for the bullies. And today she proved that she might have made a great whelping bitch, but now spayed that is not possible.

Photos from the second walk at home about seven thirty - the Malverns viewed from Bromyard about seven miles as the crow flies away.

First an uncropped long shot:

IMG_2307 by George Johnson, on Flickr

This a crop of a well framed view between trees, and showing a magical cloud formation over the hills. The Worcester Beacon is the highest in the middle ...

IMG_2308 by George Johnson, on Flickr

And finally Lu leading Queenie in Worcester just after lunchtime!

IMG_2311 by George Johnson, on Flickr

As you can see she is persuader rather than dominator. She lacks the terrorist aspect of the Terrier mentality but that is okay by me. She is genial rather than stark.

She is my great friend and I am so happy about that.

Best wishes from George
Lu checking out Sonny's glands before making beautiful friends. Border Terrier [English - Scottish Border],twelve weeks old meets Fell Terrier or Patterdale, and she checks him out and makes his first friend on his first walk. Lu is so good in novel situations.

20230827_141928 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Lu is remarkably socially capable with more vulnerable types like children, old ladies and pups, but hopeless with bigger dogs.

I don't think there is an evil bone in her body!

Best wishes from George, happy to observe my "leetle" dog being so gentle.
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Not every Sunday is a day out visiting friends, and today after her usual six or seven o'clock morning walk [usually as the only people on the Common], we only had our usual second walk with a good friend and her two dogs. Lu anticipates this regular Sunday morning run with a Huntaway cross and spaniel cross grey hound [ie. mongrel], from the moment my friend gives a single ring on the phone to let me know she will be here in five minutes!

After that playing vigorously with two friends and chasing balls, she often sparks out like a log!

IMG_2314 by George Johnson, on Flickr

IMG_2315 by George Johnson, on Flickr

She does seem to relax in the most unlikely positions!

Best wishes from George
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"I'm not moving. It's too hot!"

IMG_2336 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Best wishes from George.

PS: It is the hottest day this summer here in tropical Bromyard. The photo is from a few minutes ago.

PPS: I have just found a little video of Lu shortly after she was spayed in April. It took a couple of days for her to really get over the anaesthetic and this is probably on the Monday after the Wednesday surgery:

It is almost like she has forgotten to be careful for a moment.

PPPS: Thanks to the moderator who updated the thread title.
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Lu continues to become more and more relaxed. Most Terriers never really relax, but the little dog seem to feel safe to go totally fast asleep by now.

I have bought [ordered] a new collar tag for her. It is stark. On one side my surname and mobile phone number and on the other the simple message: "Spayed bitch."

Not worth stealing in other words. The people who steal females dogs want them to breed, and so a neutered bitch is waste of food and effort. The vets did such a good job of the operation that there is no visible scar from the spaying, so the collar tag is necessary.

I am getting ready for the cold nights and days. Here she is disrupting the arrangements, and oblivious!

IMG_2384 by George Johnson, on Flickr

Best wishes from George and Lu.

