
Log burner


pfm Member
Can anyone recommend a log burner please up to 5kw there’s so many I’m a bit baffled which one to go for.

Thanks in advance
I’ve had a Charnwood Country 8 for 23 years and it’s good to see the current model looks identical. There are smaller versions available. I’ve replaced the firebricks once and door rope a couple of times over that period.

Using a woodburner to make coffee in a Bialetti is quite satisfying.
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now then I don't often claim to be an expert on stuff. However I have had and fitted a lot of these things. Five to be precise. The best by a long chalk was the Woodwarm. These things light very easily, you can shut them down for two days and they burn nothing then open them up and off they go. Well fettled you can leave a woodworm closed down over a bank holiday and open the air vent on the Tuesday morning and it will burst into flame again.
I have a Hunter Hawk multifuel burner which has a brilliant design where the entire grate is opened up and closed using an external control, which is great for riddling ashes into the pan below as well as balancing airflow from underneath the grate. Rather traditional looks, but its performance is very good, at broadly sensible cost. More details here
I was going to go on to say avoid the Hunter range unless you plan to light it every day.
To help you get what you want, I suggest you say what you want it to do in order of priority. e.g:

Look nice when alight
Be economical with fuel
Burn logs and solid fuel
Easy to clear out
Stay in overnight without re-fueling
Well they are hard to keep in overnight without being banked up with fuel. I have two. The woodwarm just needs shutting down.
I have central heating.

In which case if - like me - you only use the wood burner in the evenings and rely on central heating for the rest of the day (or nothing if there is no-one at home) keeping the fire going overnight is not important.
Can I piggyback into this thread please as it seems to have got the attention of those in the know..

I would like an inset stove, quite wide - widescreen sort of proportions, wood burning (do I need multifuel?) one that looks great when lit, doesn’t need to be extremely efficient as will be rarely used and decorative, I have a 1960’s painted brick open fireplace atm - this will be removed and the wall simply replastered smooth around the new onset stove with the TV above.. maybe a wooden mantel above. Here’s a pic of the hearth - ideas appreciated.

Can I piggyback into this thread please as it seems to have got the attention of those in the know..

I would like an inset stove, quite wide - widescreen sort of proportions, wood burning (do I need multifuel?) one that looks great when lit, doesn’t need to be extremely efficient as will be rarely used and decorative, I have a 1960’s painted brick open fireplace atm - this will be removed and the wall simply replastered smooth around the new onset stove with the TV above.. maybe a wooden mantel above. Here’s a pic of the hearth - ideas appreciated.

Right, easy: logs only is number one, it is much, much cleaner. Also with a good one, lighted every night, say 6pm to bedtime you will only need to clear the ash out about every 3 weeks. Also a cheaper one is fine, staying in and economy is the USP of the expensive ones. Solid fuel is a completely different, a dirtier and harder work thing but better for heat and economy. PS your gaff doesn't look like it needs a lot of black dust which is exactly what a solid fuel stove will provide.
Can I piggyback into this thread please as it seems to have got the attention of those in the know..

I would like an inset stove, quite wide - widescreen sort of proportions, wood burning (do I need multifuel?) one that looks great when lit, doesn’t need to be extremely efficient as will be rarely used and decorative, I have a 1960’s painted brick open fireplace atm - this will be removed and the wall simply replastered smooth around the new onset stove with the TV above.. maybe a wooden mantel above. Here’s a pic of the hearth - ideas appreciated.


Tonight, you’re my hero... that’s hell of a set up!

Where’s the dram though? ;)
NB there will be ash, bits of hot stuff burning holes and chunks of log falling off as you carry them between the storage space and the stove. I only mention this as currently your room looks pristine. This will change.
That’s fine, the fire is used atm, so logs are already transported around and the associated dirt doesn’t bother me..

Someone asked about the dram... currently Seaweed Rum. :)

Brand recommendations for the stove?

