
Linn Kan B110B Driver Replacement

They cared about the sound, but the sound they make just isn't for everyone's taste. I love them. :D

Kans are often called a marmite speaker, for obvious reasons. However, unlike marmite, some people appear to hate the product's very existance, which I find odd. People that hate the taste of marmite don't eat it. Other people eat it cos they love it. So what's the problem? You gonna go around smashing up marmite stands in the supermarket or scream obscenities at shoppers that pick up a jar? "How dare you eat that stuff!"

Maybe people get sick of the marmite fans saying how much they enjoy it. Maybe its cos Unilever make it. Maybe its an affront to food itself because not enough thought went into its horrid flavour. I'm just guessing now as I don't know the history here.
I'm afraid you're mistaken. Linn bought up the remaining stock of LS3/5a cabinets from Rogers when they went bust. Linn had nothing to do with the spec of the cabinet!

Actually nearly all Kans use a different material cabinets from LS3/5a. Only the very few early pairs have used the Chartwell plywood boxes (the legend says) and I've never seen those for sale anywhere. Then they used chipboard (I've had a very early 1979 pair which already had this material) and later mdf. The way I see it is that the only things Kans share with LS3/5a are the dimensions and the same make bass driver (which is modified and mounted differently to a different front baffle in Kans). I've resealed couple of pairs of different generation Kans and repaired a couple of more pairs and, believe me, they paid attention to detail when building these. Inside there is nothing that resembles LS3/5a. How they sound is a different matter.

But back to the original question, I wouldn't change to Falcon drivers if the originals are intact and if one does, both drivers should be changed as they sound different.
Well, whatever Kans are they most certainly are not "knocked up in a couple of hours by bored Linn techies". I've never seen such care and attention put in a speaker box construction in what was basically entry-level speakers, especially the insides which are never even seen (matched veneers, box veneered on both sides, every possible seam sealed, very heavy gauge wiring soldered directly to the posts and drivers, damping inside is top notch as is bracing, crossovers damped with hotmelt glue, drivers modified to suit their agenda). They cared about the sound, but the sound they make just isn't for everyone's taste. I love them. :D

Wish I still had my early Kans
Sounded superb with a LP12, Ittok, K18 and powered by an LK1 Dirak, LK2, amp.

