
Lawn Mowers

In this video Mick (again) cleans up a carby but watch when he puts it back together at just how much water there is in the fuel tank - you'll be shocked and amazed!

Whilst E10 is more hygroscopic than other fuels, I shoved in my old mower for 5 years with no problems. It started first time every time, even after sitting for the winter, and never had a service. That said, I grabbed 5 litres of Aspen 4 with my new mower to give it a go. But at about £4 a litre, it’s a lot more expensive.
To just avoid post winter start issues try draining the fuel after the final cut of the year. Then at first cut of the new season give the filter and plug a quick clean before filling with fresh fuel. Obviously if you service the mower every year, the filter and plug are usually OK, but many people run them much longer between services.

I just use super unleaded. The Aspen is a rip off.

