
Large Hadron Collider nearly ready

Bigger, faster, stronger: stepping up the hunt for cosmic building blocks
Heuer added that the technology that would be required to build a next-generation collider did not yet exist. In particular, current magnets – used to bend beams of particles – would not be strong enough for a new, far more powerful collider.

"However, it was the same when we began designing the LHC in the 1980s. Magnets then were not powerful enough, but we managed to design and build a new generation. I am sure we will be able to do that for the next collider as well. And that is a crucial point. These devices drive technology forward."

More power to their magnets. . .
Tape cartridges are a sore point with me. A couple of years ago I decided to retrieve the stuff off 15 cartridges that were 12 years old. 3M cartridges were perfect but Nashua ones were unreadable. The binding layer was disinegrating. In fact I stopped using the unit because I thought its heads were worn. When I disassembled it the heads were covered in compound from the Nashua cartridges. A good clean and away it went. However the controller needs an ISA slot and capacity is now uselessly small.

Sorry about the diversion. Always interested to see whats happening with the LHC.
This morning, the nice lady in the pawn brokers where I buy and sell foreign currency has just told me "the bad weather is all down to that large Hadron Collider thing. It started when they turned it on, stopped for a bit when it broke, and started again when it was fixed". So there you have it. Quite made my day.
pearls of wisdom

This is what happens when all the young new science graduates arent employed shelf stacking but are allowed to be counter assistants

having found 'the god particle' what else is left but bigger magnets

Clearly good for industry good for funding

science just doing its job 'whilst wome burns'

sort of
Whilst correlation is not causation , it is surely not something which should be instantly dismissed ?

Heaven forefend, but having given it a bit more thought I'm not entirely convinced about correlation, never mind causation.
Has my tinfoil vishay helm been stolen.Seems like matters have moved on since I last rested on my laurels

Global warming has been completely explained as due to terraforming Aliens in the film as in the film 'The Arrival' - from before the Hades Collider existed - however please do not confuse this film with the 'Arrival of Wang' film!

The Arrival Movie Review & Film Summary (1996) | Roger Ebert

1996 ... The planet, we are informed, is warming. The ice caps are melting. Climates are changing. Scientists blame factory smokestacks, car exhausts ...Charlie Sheen having sussed the aliens presence and methane factories in 3rd world power plants accosts Phil head of JPL forcing him to admit that the aliens are trying to raise the Earth's temperature to not only kill off humans but make the planet hospitable for themselves.

So there. We are now safe as the aliens amongst us are exposed ....

As to Pirates and Policemen - I will keep my eyes out. Can I have my tinfoil back now? happy new warm year. This year Im going back to coal
This is just like hifi.
I say to my mates that when I buy a Nottingham Ace Spacedeck, it'll be all I could ever have hoped for and far beyond my requirements. It'll do me forever.
Then I start looking at the Wave power supply, buy that, then start looking at the add-on heavy kit. Well, we've come so far it's silly to stop now. If I just do this, it'll be all I could ever want.
Then I look at upgrading the arm to the Anna.

This at CERN is what happens when budgets are big.

Where they went wrong was calling it the Large Hadron Collider instead of BEVHC (Basic Economy Version Hadron Collider)

