
Large Hadron Collider nearly ready

Getting there ..... it's a geekfest of the highest order, nice when you sort of vaguely understand a small proportion of it - like my tenuous grasp of most techy stuff.
Dam - someone break in and max the thing so we can all see the Higgs evidence (Bean watching Flash Forward too much)
make it so.....

Commissioning of the LHC continues at a very encouraging rate. In the past few days the protection systems have been qualified such that the beams could be safely accelerated to higher energies. In the early hours of this morning, around 5:30am Geneva time, both beams were successfully ramped to 3.5 TeV, 3 times higher than ever before! Even more encouraging, the beams were extremely stable during this period and had a very long lifetime.
If they don't find the Higgs Boson, then there is no Higgs Field and they will pretty much have to scrap the accepted fundamentals of quantum theory. There are some big reputations (and egos) with all their fingers and toes crossed at the moment.
Nice little interview with Lyn Evans on the webcast.

Apparantly a power coupling faliure in the SPS caused a perturbation in the LHC. A known issue apparantly and the workaround well, works.

Starting to ramp up now, first 7 TeV collisions due about 12:15 BST.
If they don't find the Higgs Boson, then there is no Higgs Field and they will pretty much have to scrap the accepted fundamentals of quantum theory.

Despite the simplicity and attractiveness of the Standard Model it is incomplete and struggles to share with large scale physics. Not finding evidence for the Higgs would be no bad thing as a rethink of accepted fundamentals across the board is exactly what we need.
7 TeV collisions now taking place in all 4 experiments! A world record and a huge testament to the engineering and technological capabilities of human beings.

Unfortunately the world hasn't ended so I imagine the media won't be bothered much except perhaps to whine about the cost.
Very exciting stuff - good webcast also.

It works!!!!

(breathes huge sigh of release as I was involved in building many of the magnets!).

Did you not mean..Fortunately, the world hasn't ended....
I was involved in building many of the magnets!

Cool :cool: This is a superb project, a marvel of engineering, collaboration, and exploration from all corners of the world. The young should be encouraged and stimulated by projects like the LHC. Much like the Bloodhound project Richard Noble started, it helps to get children and adults inspired to work together and do great things.

We need more of this sort of thing, it reminds us of what it means to be human.

Did you not mean..Fortunately, the world hasn't ended....
Today 12:07 PM

Yes, I have no desire to see the world end. I was having a dig at the media who could choose to have a major positive influence by reporting things appropriately, however unfortunately they only seem to be interested when things may or do go wrong. Remember all that Doomsday "blackhole will eat the Earth" bollox that got so much air-time last year?
I like some of the pre-ramp checks, see point 7 during prep......

• Preparation for the ramp:
o don't incorporate from the sequencer just yet
o Generation application, incorporation tab
o select from beam process - RAMP_3.5TeV_2Aps_short_V1@0[START]
o select to beam process - RAMP_3.5TeV_2Aps_short_V1
o click button - show not incorporated parameters - wait 2-3 minutes
o this will show a list of systems where the program has found discontinuities
o don't panic
o choose ORBIT-H, this will show a list of type groups, choose K (only!), select all parameters shown and hit incorporate parameters
• Repeat for:
o ORBIT-V, at K level
o Tune at knob level
o Chromaticity at knob level.
o Coupling at knob level
• If you've only trimmed orbit, tune and chromaticity - the ramp should now load. Please be careful about incorporating other stuff especially if the beta beat team has been in action.
• Launch prepare ramp

