
Labour Leader: Keir Starmer VI

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Poor Sir Keir, he tries everything to be as right-wing, authoritarian and downright slippery as Blair, yet still gets spurned by his guru.
Something to look forward to:

Question mark on the front page = rubbish = another newspaper not to bother about.
Precisely. SD's politics are his own business but I object to being told that black is white.

Contrast this exchange on Twitter yesterday:

The gist of it: Paul Waugh is one of Starmer's biggest cheerleaders. He initially frames the story as Labour ditching Corbyn's 2019 manifesto commitment to raise income tax on higher earners. When some rando points out that this was Starmer's pledge during his leadership claim, Waugh accepts the point (and then ignores it).

This is also highly illuminating (from 8:30 to around 10:00):

McTernan (hardcore Blairite) says straight out that Starmer lied to Labour Party members to get elected and that any member who believed him probably shouldn't be in politics. It's a morally depraved position but at least he has the intellectual integrity to acknowledge Starmer's deception.

So, admit the deception and embrace it. Or quit lecturing us about "honesty" and "integrity".

Anyone who defends Starmer's leadership campaign is endorsing deliberate dishonesty, in the name of winning power. In this respect they are no better than the supporters of Boris Johnson.

This dropped in my Inbox from Sir Kier this morning. If you are still a LP member you could use it to inform him of your views:

”With a general election around the corner, we want to work with you to show how Labour can build a new Britain which guarantees security, prosperity and respect for all.

That’s why I am pleased to announce that today we are launching our 2022 National Policy Forum consultation.

We want to hear your views on how a Labour government can seize the opportunities and rise to the challenges of the coming decade.”
This dropped in my Inbox from Sir Kier this morning. If you are still a LP member you could use it to inform him of your views:

”With a general election around the corner, we want to work with you to show how Labour can build a new Britain which guarantees security, prosperity and respect for all.

That’s why I am pleased to announce that today we are launching our 2022 National Policy Forum consultation.

We want to hear your views on how a Labour government can seize the opportunities and rise to the challenges of the coming decade.”
So long as
You’re not dumb enough
To actually try it
This dropped in my Inbox from Sir Kier this morning. If you are still a LP member you could use it to inform him of your views:

”With a general election around the corner, we want to work with you to show how Labour can build a new Britain which guarantees security, prosperity and respect for all.

That’s why I am pleased to announce that today we are launching our 2022 National Policy Forum consultation.

We want to hear your views on how a Labour government can seize the opportunities and rise to the challenges of the coming decade.”

Finally, a national conversation.
This dropped in my Inbox from Sir Kier this morning. If you are still a LP member you could use it to inform him of your views:

”With a general election around the corner, we want to work with you to show how Labour can build a new Britain which guarantees security, prosperity and respect for all.

That’s why I am pleased to announce that today we are launching our 2022 National Policy Forum consultation.

We want to hear your views on how a Labour government can seize the opportunities and rise to the challenges of the coming decade.”
Think you may have been accidentally copied in to an email to Tony and Peter. Please delete.
This dropped in my Inbox from Sir Kier this morning. If you are still a LP member you could use it to inform him of your views:

”With a general election around the corner, we want to work with you to show how Labour can build a new Britain which guarantees security, prosperity and respect for all.

That’s why I am pleased to announce that today we are launching our 2022 National Policy Forum consultation.

We want to hear your views on how a Labour government can seize the opportunities and rise to the challenges of the coming decade.”
I contributed to the 2020 consultation but I'm no longer a member and have no intention of voting Labour at the next election.

The exercise is a fig leaf anyway. Starmer is an authoritarian and will simply ignore members when it doesn't suit him. Same applies to motions passed at conference - ignored unless they align with the leader's position.
Starmer is an authoritarian
I know precisely nothing about him. But when I look at the current state of his party, if I were Labour, I wouldn’t mind it to be run by someone with an actual project in mind and the will to defend it. The alternative is a wimp like you already had and who waits for miracles to happen.
I’m afraid that any party which needs to ask voters want they want is a) abdicating its responsibility and b) doomed to failure because people want different, and often contradictory things from Government.

Most people will want shedloads of good things, but relatively few will have any clue about how these can be achieved.
I know precisely nothing about him. But when I look at the current state of his party, if I were Labour, I wouldn’t mind it to be run by someone with an actual project in mind and the will to defend it. The alternative is a wimp like you already had and who waits for miracles to happen.

I’d agree with you if Starmer had any policies or ideology. He doesn’t. Everything he actually whips the party for is further enablement of Johnson’s vile nationalist alt-right power-grab, e.g. abstaining on the truly brutal racist Rwanda refugee trafficking, abstaining on the Republican-clone gerrymandering and voter-suppression of the Elections Bill, abstaining on the Overseas Operations Bill (absolving those guilty of war crimes) etc etc. Speaking as an anti-fascist Labour can just do one as far as I’m concerned. They are just another part of what I am fighting against.

PS I’m waiting for them to openly support Johnson and the Daily Mail rather than the RMT union any day now.
I know precisely nothing about him. But when I look at the current state of his party, if I were Labour, I wouldn’t mind it to be run by someone with an actual project in mind and the will to defend it. The alternative is a wimp like you already had and who waits for miracles to happen.
A project you say?

These people have nothing apart from their desire to "be in charge".
I contributed to the 2020 consultation but I'm no longer a member and have no intention of voting Labour at the next election.

The exercise is a fig leaf anyway. Starmer is an authoritarian and will simply ignore members when it doesn't suit him. Same applies to motions passed at conference - ignored unless they align with the leader's position.
Yes, I did one when Corbyn was still alive. Starmer, Barry Gardiner and a couple of others were there minding tables, our minder was Gardiner and our conversation was somewhat proscribed. As you say, it was a something of a fig leaf then, I can only imagine the fig leave has grown to biblical proportions by now.
I’d agree with you if Starmer had any policies or ideology. He doesn’t. Everything he actually whips the party for is further enablement of Johnson’s vile nationalist alt-right power-grab, e.g. abstaining on the truly brutal racist Rwanda refugee trafficking, abstaining on the Republican-clone gerrymandering and voter-suppression of the Elections Bill, abstaining on the Overseas Operations Bill (absolving those guilty of war crimes) etc etc. Speaking as an anti-fascist Labour can just do one as far as I’m concerned. They are just another part of what I am fighting against.

PS I’m waiting for them to openly support Johnson and the Daily Mail rather than the RMT union any day now.

I think the point is Cheese would be ok with a Starmer as PM because he's really a tory and he's abandoned all the principles that got him the gig. Principles and sticking to them is why Corbyn had to go.
Principles and sticking to them is why Corbyn had to go.

Corbyn was just another variant of the same thing. He had no moral stance against the far-right Brexit project, had no interest in democratic reform, he couldn’t even be arsed standing up to anti-Semitism in his party and even retweeted racist content himself.

Ignoring the core issue of Farage’s Brexit and the aforementioned total lack of interest in democratic reform the rest of his manifesto was pretty good and did actually contain a couple of progressive policies, but really he was little beyond a lame two-dimensional panto leftist out of place a right-wing authoritarian political party.

The problem with Labour is always way, way deeper than its current leader. It is conceptual/existential. Labour just isn’t anything. It doesn’t mean anything. It has no fight. All it ever offers is ‘not quite Tory’, and that can’t reverse us out of the mess we are in right now thanks to over four decades of authoritarian-right nationalism. Labour is everything the Conservative Party allows it to be, and no more.
I think the point is Cheese would be ok with a Starmer as PM because he's really a tory
I'm 55/45 right of center indeed, but I am not in Britain, and as far as I can read here, the Tories are far off that mark. Meanwhile I believe it, precisely since I read in my local paper about their projected Rwanda traffic. I had to read the article twice, and I still can't really believe what I read. This is so over the top I just can't take it seriously ! I guess Europe has other worries at the moment, that's how I explain the rather limited echo in the media anyway. The average Briton has learnt during the Thatcher years how to take things to the streets, and this time I would have expected a few broken windows at least.

Briefly on Starmer: on pfm he was welcomed with a flamethrower before he even took office. Most here agree on Corbyn being useless, now Starmer attempts to go another way, why don't you guys let him do his thing first ? If he turns out that bad you can still vote Green. Which might not be that bad a choice for Britain if you ask me.

In most European countries, social democrats have done their time. Germany is a good example: social democrat Olaf Scholz somehow found himself in the Kanzler seat, but it's the Greens who tell him what to do.
Most here agree on Corbyn being useless, now Starmer attempts to go another way, why don't you guys let him do his thing first ?

The key problem with Starmer is he was elected into the leadership role on ten pledges. Google them. He has broken every one as far as I can tell. That coupled with his party very actively enabling the brutal far-right-wing ideology of Johnson’s Trump-clones makes many of us question what the hell he or his party exist for? Why is he there? What does he want? It is clearly not what he said he wanted when getting the job, so why should anyone trust him now?
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