
Julian Assange arrested

Bull shit! They advocate for it in Muslim countries only. Read the hundreds of articles on their website.

I did not say it had, I said they advocate policies which would.

Look at the articles on their website.

Perhaps you're already an avid reader?

So, no proof, just conjecture then.

Had a look for the first time ever this evening. Interestingly they seem to be supporters of the Ahwazis amongst others.

Why did you feel the need to try and suggest I'm a member or supporter of them Max? Just because I want you to provide proof of your claims?

Yet again you attack and deflect when you can't provide actual proof.

I'm actually just being devil's advocate, because histrionic unsubstantiated claims on both sides need challenging.
So, no proof, just conjecture then.

Had a look for the first time ever this evening. Interestingly they seem to be supporters of the Ahwazis amongst others.

Why did you feel the need to try and suggest I'm a member or supporter of them Max? Just because I want you to provide proof of your claims?

Yet again you attack and deflect when you can't provide actual proof.

I'm actually just being devil's advocate, because histrionic unsubstantiated claims on both sides need challenging.
I know all about the HJS. I know what motivates them, what they seek, who they shill for, and why.

I really can't be bothered meeting your list of requirements. It's late, I'm working tmw, and anyway, what does it matter? Most people don't even wonder why the HJS are always on the BBC, nor do they care. They're too busy contemplating the talking points implicit in the narrative of the elites of this world, delivered to them on their behalf by the right-wing media via screens and newspapers, and regurgitated by unthinking fools.

I apologise for the offending remark.
i watched BBC america with the family a little earlier and there was a short interview with jeremy hunt who expressed the same sentiment as tony here and with comparable anger. hating assange is very firmly an authoritatarian, right-wing position.
You along with other far-leftists, conspiracy theorists etc have always argued he would be detained indefinitely, murdered or whatever were he to come out. I’ve always argued he’ll have a glossy TV-friendly trial and if convicted (which is unlikely given the quality of legal team he will be able to afford) at most end up a couple of years in jail. We will see who is right.
PS It will be me.

in the interview linked to below, daniel elsberg goes against both your prediction and your overall views.

i would also like to add that both chelsea manning and edward snowden are very much on the side of assage here. some msnbc viewers, connecting illusory dots to trump, are calling the former a "transgender traitor" on social media. thank you chris matthews.
Please be in no doubt I have great respect for the original concept of Wikileaks and view the leaks of Manning and Snowden hugely important acts of whistle-blowing. The thing I can’t be doing with is the corruption that came later with Assange so obviously colluding with Russia, Trump, Farage and other ugly popularist disruptors. He has ruined the legacy of a once important web resource.

From a personal basis as someone who (laughably IMO) claims to care about Palestine surely you grasp that the tightly coordinated push Assange/Wikileaks gave to Trump very likely got him and his vile hard-right administration into the Whitehouse and therefore removed restrictions on Likud and got Palestine a big step closer to being bulldozed into the sea. I did try and point this out at the time, but you, as ever, wouldn’t hear it. Palestine would be a very much safer place today had Clinton won.

I've liked this post, but quoted it too as it is about the best post I have read on this thread ..... if people cannot grasp the above then they are basically in denial!
It has long been argued that openness in governments is the next big step for any democracy. That is any government. Your own politicians would support it, never mind the hypocrisy, same in the UK, same in the US. I don’t support Assange, not because of his Wikileaks adventure, as it unfortunately turned out, but because of his refusal to face the charges against him in Sweden, his exploitation of a country’s benevolence, and his attempts to delay and manipulate a system, mostly successful, which means he can avoid those aforesaid charges.

I am also totally against him being forced to face charges in the US. He may be a repulsive man, but he deserves the same justice you and I would get. He also deserves the disrespect you see here.

Can you, the maxflinns of this world, even understand that? I doubt you would even know if there was an extradition treaty between the U.S and - now then, what was his nationality again? Do you even know that?
Can someone be arrested for having such a bad beard?

Given that 'good beard' is an oxymoron, probably not.

But it's certainly Biblical.
Richglib, marvellous !

I really wish the BBC would deny airtime to any ‘think tank’ who will not reveal their funding sources.
I haven' bothered checking, but I don't think the BBC has much choice. Also, if they did so with the assiduity you suggest, that would kill 99% of their discussion/chat type shows, mostly because of the length of the lists.
And the connection with Assange being “Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport”?
As with many people, I can't even think about RH without a desire to throw up. Happy memories of the generation brought up on that and other ditties were destroyed by that repulsive man.

I was lucky, by the way, in that he was far less popular in Australia, although, it must be said, he features in ads and docos whenever he returned to that promised land.

I believe most religions have a line going something like "forgive and forget". It will be a long time before most of us can.
Had Assange simply published the documents that Manning stole, there would be no winnable case against him. After all, that’s what journalists do. The indictment suggests Assange enabled Manning to crack a password stored on a Defense Department computer so he could log in as someone else before downloading the classified materials.

Of course, this may not be the only indictment.

Winnable case? Successful prosecutions are what counts.

The Official Secrets Acts in UK does offer some semblance of freedom to journalists to publish. A quick Google suggest that the US equivalent, the Espionage Act, suggests that agencies who aid espionage or handle classified material (leaks) can be prosecuted.

I would not fancy his chances against the US Defense Dept arraignments , if they really want a prosecution.
Richglib, marvellous !

I haven' bothered checking, but I don't think the BBC has much choice. Also, if they did so with the assiduity you suggest, that would kill 99% of their discussion/chat type shows, mostly because of the length of the lists.
Why glib?
Richglib, marvellous !

I haven' bothered checking, but I don't think the BBC has much choice. Also, if they did so with the assiduity you suggest, that would kill 99% of their discussion/chat type shows, mostly because of the length of the lists.
You think articulate people without a paid right wing agenda don't exist? Or just that the BBC with their not inconsiderable resources are unable to locate them?

