
Judge throws out case against Greta Thunberg

This has cheered me greatly today.

Judge Law stated that the police's communication of the section 14 notice was so unclear as to be "unlawful".

He also criticised the police for failing to provide any evidence the protest was disruptive (a condition of a section 14 notice being used) and stated that of a thousand people entering the hotel where the protest was being held the police failed to present a single witness statement: "There was no evidence of any vehicles being impeded, no evidence of any interference with emergency services, or any risk to life.”

only in your brain

"Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights.... etc"

I was referring to the widening of the original meaning, which had specific relevance, to signify all kinds of things to all kinds of people. Particularly when it's used by the far right as an insulting term for those they consider as brainless liberals.

"By 2019 opponents of progressive social movements were often using the term to mock "overrighteous liberalism".
Another lefty woke enemy of the people, no doubt.
I have never seen anything remotely wokey in her at all. I still consider her rather honest, contrary to some other high-ranked climate activists who are mainly in the business for their own interests. Greta‘s recent mobilisation for Palestine impresses me slightly less, I prefer activists who stick to their core business.
I have never seen anything remotely wokey in her at all. I still consider her rather honest, contrary to some other high-ranked climate activists who are mainly in the business for their own interests. Greta‘s recent mobilisation for Palestine impresses me slightly less, I prefer activists who stick to their core business.

It is possible to be entirely right about more than one thing!
I have never seen anything remotely wokey in her at all. I still consider her rather honest, contrary to some other high-ranked climate activists who are mainly in the business for their own interests. Greta‘s recent mobilisation for Palestine impresses me slightly less, I prefer activists who stick to their core business.
The judge, not Greta.

For those not familar with the territory, it was a parody of UK neo-fascist media.

enemies of the people
"The police man, said put 'em in the van and make up the charges on the way..."

The climate problem will affect the youth for longer and more severely than it will affect PFM oldies. While I find some of their tactics infantile I also appreciate that they have to find their own way to raise awareness among their own cohort as well as the public at large.

Edit: there's always an xkcd; we've known about the greenhouse effect closer to the start of the industrial revolution than to today .
Exactly so.
In the UK I would say yes, the Greens are insignificant anyway. But in both Switzerland and especially Germany, where the Greens have won landslide victories five years ago, they have either returned to the previous, modest levels at the last elections (CH) or, far worse in D, where the red-green coalition in place might not even survive until the next election, where they stand not the slightest chance in any case.

If you sit in your car, trying to arrive at work on time, you don’t want to find yourself blocked by (perceived) well-heeled sociology students who can afford to lose their time sticking their hands on roads. The Green party shut up about this and therefore silently agree, so people will not vote for them again. Militant actions are honourable and necessary, but sticking hands on roads is not exactly an intelligent thing to do, currently this is backfiring big time.

