
JLR booming !


Nice to see JLR reporting 2.2 bn in pre tax profits , seems a lot of interest in the electric version of the Range Rover . Been huge bad publicity recently over massive insurance costs . A friend had to sell their Range Rover as insurance went from under 200 per month to 3000 a month ...crazy . Anyway they bought out hugely subsidised insurance . Then loads of bad publicity over theft although the Ford Fiesta is the most stolen car in UK

Anyway great to see the company doing well in these dark times
Shame they couldn’t have put some of that profit into making their cars more secure..

Range Rovers are virtually uninsurable in London, due to how easily they’re nicked. 😵
Nice to see JLR reporting 2.2 bn in pre tax profits , seems a lot of interest in the electric version of the Range Rover . Been huge bad publicity recently over massive insurance costs . A friend had to sell their Range Rover as insurance went from under 200 per month to 3000 a month ...crazy . Anyway they bought out hugely subsidised insurance . Then loads of bad publicity over theft although the Ford Fiesta is the most stolen car in UK

Anyway great to see the company doing well in these dark times
£200 a *month* is already bonkers. I'm around £500-600 a year, and that's a high performance car, outer Leeds postcode, and business use.
£3k a month is £36,000 pa! that will buy a *new* Range Rover every 3 years or so, even at £100k a go. Do the insurers really expect 1 in 3 to be stolen in any given year?
£200 a *month* is already bonkers. I'm around £500-600 a year, and that's a high performance car, outer Leeds postcode, and business use.
£3k a month is £36,000 pa! that will buy a *new* Range Rover every 3 years or so, even at £100k a go. Do the insurers really expect 1 in 3 to be stolen in any given year?
Yes it is bonkers thats why they had to sell it . Recently noticed they are offering 150 quid a month subsidy for 3 years , however not on Velar and Evoque for some reason

Many reasons why they are so expensive to insure including costs of parts and desirabilty to thieves , i think someone mentioned headlights are 3k to replace !
... or have the Ingenium engines last longer than a wine gum ...

Yep. My father has a disco sport. Engine been out twice under warranty. Absolute turd of a motor. Told him to buy a Subaru, won’t because his Mrs wants a LR badge. Ironic really because Subaru is old money, JLR new.
Yep. My father has a disco sport. Engine been out twice under warranty. Absolute turd of a motor. Told him to buy a Subaru, won’t because his Mrs wants a LR badge. Ironic really because Subaru is old money, JLR new.
I thought Rolls Royce and Bentley were old money??
Not sure nowadays TBH. In my observation, net worth is inversely proportional to the value of car driven in many cases. Plenty of ten bob millionaires around, and JLR products are high on their list IMHO.
Ok but I've never spotted any landed gentry, or scions of old families that go back to the Norman conquest, driving round in Subarus. But then to be fair I haven't been looking for them.

On the inversely proportional point there might be a few still driving round in their Mini Metro.
Ok but I've never spotted any landed gentry, or scions of old families that go back to the Norman conquest, driving round in Subarus. But then to be fair I haven't been looking for them.

On the inversely proportional point there might be a few still driving round in their Mini Metro.
Ha, my next door neighbour is an Earl with a 20 odd thousand acre estate, and his Subaru is sitting right outside my drawing room window. In fact the box on top of it is obscuring my view of this lovely foggy morning.

