
Jesus is back and he's . . .

Mary Magd looks rather nice. She should really get herself over to Ireland though & berate a few Bishops about those girls' homes. Shocking to have that done in your name. I imagine she's livid.

Are you hoping that she'll bash some bishops? Me too, if I'm honest.
Those.... Shirts....
Hidden... Message...
Must... Follow


Top linguists have a preliminary analysis of the shirt messages:

His shirt says: I am a colour-blind Narcissist who isn't really going to get away with this.

Hers: I has teh nice lady-bumps, how about it?
Only watched a couple of minutes, never seen so many weeping Australians, maybe they're cricket fans?

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All together now... "He's got twenty million dollars in his heavenly bank account..."

Novocaine for the soul
Before I sputter out

Life is white
And I am black
Jesus and his lawyer
Are coming back
Oh my darling, will you be here
Before I sputter out

Guess whose living here
With the great undead
This paint by numbers life
Is ****ing with my head once again

Life is good
And I feel great
'cause mother says I was
A great mistake

Novocaine for the soul
You'd better give me something
To fill the hole
Before I sputter out :)

He may not be willing to turn water into wine, but he managed to get the studio wallpapered in shirt-matching 70s style Vymura.
I guess he's off to the Vatican soon to take his rightful place at the top. I'll look forward to that then.
It's nice that MM came along to help him with his second coming.
Most people will just have a laugh about it, but the Christians who believe in the second coming of Christ are the ones that will automatically denounce him absolutely as a nutter, even though they have no idea of the form that he would take.

Someone needs to ask them; how will you know him if you see him? If you believe in this principle, why do you automatically reject it as nonsense when it is claimed?
Most people will just have a laugh about it, but the Christians who believe in the second coming of Christ are the ones that will automatically denounce him absolutely as a nutter, even though they have no idea of the form that he would take.

Nobody's going to believe the messiah is called Alan Miller.
plus if he had his barnet cut he'd look nothing like 'jesus'TM

who owns the jesus trademark now?

Chap I know on the local market sells artefacts with an image of Jesus on them. Does quite well. He hasn't the heart to tell customers it's actually a pic of Russell Brand.

